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Everything posted by Stock

  1. Just discovering 10 Inthesky. The 4 latest tracks are pure bliss, beautiful Aphexian moments ! Just when I finally stopped listening to the Soundcloud tracks every day all day...
  2. This. Just saw how much new tracks he posted, wanted to play it while working, but couldn't do shit because I just wanted to listen to this beauty without being disturbed by anything. Especially love the Acrid Avid Jam Shread percussions at the end of the track
  3. Stock

    Rare pics of Ae

    http://forum.watmm.com/topic/86897-autechre-saw-you-cassette/this thingy Thanks mate :) (Went through the entire thread looking for an answer which never came...)
  4. Stock

    Rare pics of Ae

    ^ looks nice, what's that ? demo tape ?
  5. Just wait until the DLC is released and we'll see if you'll be done then (I just beat the Cathedral for the first time yesterday, don't make fun of me !)
  6. Really don't know if I'm doing it right but I don't want that topic to get lost in WATMM abysses so...
  7. Haha yeah same here, I really want to get all achievements etc but knowing what awaits me with The Lost is kind of...depressing.
  8. I'm not sure something like that would work (especially on Apple Machines) but I'm interested as well !!!
  9. ^ yeah it's definitely the integrated video card, I had the same issue with Civ 5
  10. What machine do you use, a MacBook ? coz that's what i'm using as well and i wanted to buy that game ! Also : just started Deponia, I have to learn how to think in a point & click game but it's very well written and kind of pretty so I guess it won't be that difficult !
  11. Finished it too. Although the last sequence was awesome, I really didn't understand the ending (even less than the first episode's conclusion...)
  12. Woah, congrats. I'm 8 hours in and can't get past the 14th scene (playing with the trackpad and without the ability to lock enemies sure doesn't help...)
  13. Just read in a french review of the game that the level editor was in alpha phase (but it was included in the version of the game they tested...). They also speak about a big upgrade of the editor coming in a month or so, maybe that could be the public release of it ?
  14. lol and the name of the playlist would be: vocal music, the very best of. Richard D. James : The Spoken Word Album
  15. That level you were stuck in is one of the most difficult of the game but if that's of any advice don't give up, the story is awesome and totally justifies beating the first game before starting the second imo ! Still, don't know what happened to the level editor... Anyway, kind of fun to see that there's already been 2 updates to download today ! Guess some bugs were found already Oh and by the way the Mitch Murder track perfectly fits that cutscene
  16. Just begun Hotline Miami 2 and it's already awesome. Bit confused between the different storylines but I guess it'll make sense in a few hours. Wasn't the game supposed to come with an included level editor tho ? Can't find it (not that bad, still have plenty of things to enjoy about that game first !)
  17. Braintree --> hope you'll enjoy Gunpoint as much as I did, the scenario was excellent, loads of dark humor !!! We totally should use the level editor to do a WATMM level where you'd have to break into AFX caves to steal unreleased tracks from him... Also : WHY IS MY COMPUTER NOT DOWNLOADING HOTLINE MIAMI 2 FASTER
  18. yeah so i finally beat rogue this weekend. still had a ton of upgrades left to get and was fully unaware that there was a new game+ mode. significantly harder but payouts are much bigger as well. think i may end up actually getting the platinum on this badboy NewGames mode are the best thing about that game. It's becoming total madness when you reach NG4+ or 5+ : the monsters are so big that you can't do anything beside running as fast as possible to the bosses rooms ! Is this the Junior version ? It seems to have the same movement pattern as the spiders : quickly moving towards your position at a given moment. So I don't know...just run for your life !!!
  19. Gotta love the Sonic speed runs !!! Impressive glitch use. My favorite was the Sonic 3 + Sonic and Knuckles one ! Also, less than 24 hours before Hotline Miami 2 gets released. Currently asking myself whether or not I should take my laptop to the university for the few next days or not...
  20. Every WATMMer should tattoo this on both arms :
  21. Just preordered Hotline Miami 2 - first time I preorder a game but I've also never been so excited about a forthcoming video game...CAN'T WAIT. Also, started playing BoI Rebirth and I have to say that it's a real improvement over the first game - the first word coming to mind about the gameplay in Rebirth is "explosive" !!!
  22. No Yes it was. Can't remember where I read it but he said that the MFM tracks were all linked to one of the Mr. Men and supposed to describe their personalities.
  23. AWESOME (even if I can't help but think about how weird it is to see 173 AFX tracks on SoundCloud + this potential re-release with exclusive tracks)
  24. It's the easiest MOBA to play, and the games are always quite short. There seems to be less incredibly unpleasant people playing it, but that's probably just because there's less people playing it in general. Thanks for the heads up :) I guess most of the people playing MOBAs are just way too impolite ! Also, finally had a little extra money and bought BoI : Rebirth. Shocked by how fast the game is, everything's a lot harder to handle than in the first game - probably because I didn't spent as many hours on Rebirth as I did on Wrath of the Lamb tho
  25. Mike & Rich - Expert Knob Twiddlers : first listen of that classic album to me, today. Never thought it was such a FUNKY album. Getting wonderful, positive vibes from all the tracks - it actually SOUNDS like they were having tons of fun making it. TL;DR : "quite good"
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