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Everything posted by Stock

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZtWTUt2RZh0 Such a beautiful tune, way better than the Coldplay cover... You might also check The Mix's version : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-edTeO92S_g
  2. Stock

    Now Reading

    I love Murakami. Kafka on the Shore and After Dark are just awesome. Very prolific person, need to check his other novels. Oh and by the way I'm discovering Scott Pilgrim. Already read 3 volumes and it's one of my favourite comics ever so far. Ultra fun stuff running here !
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3PvUHjoUJA Match perfectly with my farniente sunday afternoon !
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E00c-T9EquE Just discovering this guy's stuff, and it's quite amazing.
  5. Right now I'm having a huge bun with Nutella, subtly warmed in oven. Yay !
  6. Stock

    Now Reading

    Now reading every single thing Lovecraft wrote about Chtulhu. This is incredible.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdzX35VDVZE&feature=related Some of the greatest music you could encounter on the youtube.
  8. sorry I couldn't find a smaller image EDIT : I found smaller
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aUpeXJmNXbQ Won't buy the comp but still waiting for the man's album (even if this one sounds a bit...well).
  10. looking for a new nickname.

    1. Stock


      Wow this one's pretty cool

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPeL-rH-T5w God I want this album.
  12. Autechre music is generally perfect to sleep. Especially Eggshell, which I now just can't hear without falling asleep. And your thing about the subliminal thing is sooooo true, I dunno, it's like being asleep and awake at the same time, with only this heavenly music getting you from a state to the other in a subtle transition. God, Oversteps makes me write poetry. It's really that beautiful !
  13. This one is AMAZING. Plus the artwork, omg.
  14. I'm currently falling in love with the track "Tron (End Titles)". Listened to a couple others witch are not that good though. Will buy the album anyway, maybe it works actually better when played from A to Z ??
  15. Can't stop listen to this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXAuxxxFGGE&feature=related I liked their last album "15 Again" but this track tops everything on it. There is also an official video, but they remove 1 minute from the song...You might check it as well since it's pretty fun
  16. Loved it since the day it was released, BUT I recently rediscovered it with HEADPHONES (actually I'm rediscovering their whole discog w/ headphones). And it made the album so different, my favourite tune is now os veix3 which is fucking awesome (the transition with O=0 is so perfect), seconded by R Ess. What a superb album.
  17. Those could be fakes too § But it sounds...new. Won't say anything else 'til I listened to the proper album.
  18. woah, let's not get our hopes up. it is a soundtrack... You can consider Discovery as a soundtrack too ! If they worked on Tron's soundtrack like they worked on Discovery, we may have one of this year's best albums ! Oh and Electroma is really wonderful. Movies with such beautiful pictures are rare today. According to the reviews I was "scared" by the lenght of some scenes (like the one when they walk in the desert) but I didn't see the time go by ! I'd like to watch it on a giant screen, in an outdoor cinema.
  19. This interests me. How is this, in your opinion, their best work? To me, it sounded rushed and really incredibly boring, I only like maybe two or three tracks on it. Hopefully this is released sooner than the movie. I never enjoyed Homework as an album. I mean, tracks are good, but (for me) they don't work as an album. Discovery was much better, tracks were very good and it really was an album (with the storytelling etc.) Human After All has this atmosphere, you know. This album grew up on me, until it finally becomes my favourite. I know that when you take the tracks individually they aren't better than what they've already done on other releases (except one or two) but taken in its entirety this album is much better than the two others. Damn powerful sound. Very well built. Human After All was a darker side of Daft Punk... Don't really know how to explain it, but
  20. Oh my. Finally. Will be released sooner than the movie, isn't it ? Hope it'll be good ! I really liked Human After All (their best work to date imo), can't wait hearing this.
  21. Well Oversteps is for me the most cinematographic work ever done by Autechre. Of course I have this rainy feeling when listening to it - every time. But it's kinda epic too. That's a very special album, because of this very special feeling. Yeah, of course, you can say that every autechre's release has a special sensation associated to it. But Oversteps has the strongest sensations ! Cinematographic because it inspires me the same pictures on every listen : i can't listen to see on see without imagining a lost harbor somewhere ; and cinematographic because those pictures aren't taken from the artwork. I want Oversteps in technicolor quality Well I finished my post I can now go back to the pool.
  22. Stock

    Deep House...

    Don't know if these are as deep as yours, but... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJA8GkU597o and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhrA79RusIE&feature=related (yes this apple is...kinda...hmm) Love those ones.
  23. Pussy Mode On : The whole See On See track is forcing me to blink my eyes every second because of the tears !!!
  24. gotta sleep

  25. Omg Autechre went Digipak ! I hope the European edition will be digipacked too, but not too much, because too much digipack kills the digipack you see what I mean, sorry I'm tired.
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