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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. yeah i got this, thought of it a bit like "the wall" in running and just smoked through it
  2. steak sandwich i had earlier from The Ram pub in Kingston:
  3. this is what i'm talking about - not that YO303 is after any medication or feels he needs to go to the doctor - but this is honestly the kind of thing that i have heard people say on here as supposed evidence of a mental disorder. what YO303 has written is not depression - it's just completely normal apathy about life, which everbody gets. i'm sure if he went to an unscrupulous doctor and said the above though, he'd likely be given some drugs rather than being told there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, go away and do some excersize and you'll feel right as rain... great diagnosis. have you ever considered that all of these people may not be able to completely verbalize their symptoms? WATMM: the one-stop shop for traditionalist armchair quacks. have you ever considered you are hanging onto your diagnosis like a life-raft in a storm because it now defines you? try letting go and swimming for yourself - the water's lovely.
  4. i think "depression" has just become a go-to term these days used by people looking for an excuse to be miserable, who really just need a change of scene/holiday, new job, new wardrobe - whatever. now i'm not saying clinical depression or manic depression are not real - indeed i have first hand knowledge of severe depression via my mother and it can be an awful awful thing to live with - you know what though, she was given anti-depressants - did absolutely fuck all apart from fuck her up more. she herself never wants to go near them again and now does not believe clinical drugs to be effective. look, if you're in floods of tears every day, can't leave the house, hate yourself to the point of self-harm and are contemplating suicide then yep, you've got a problem and need help. if you just "hate some kid at school", or whatever other inane crap i've heard on here, you need to grow up.
  5. this is what i'm talking about - not that YO303 is after any medication or feels he needs to go to the doctor - but this is honestly the kind of thing that i have heard people say on here as supposed evidence of a mental disorder. what YO303 has written is not depression - it's just completely normal apathy about life, which everbody gets. i'm sure if he went to an unscrupulous doctor and said the above though, he'd likely be given some drugs rather than being told there is absolutely nothing wrong with you, go away and do some excersize and you'll feel right as rain...
  6. i find the amount of very young people on here who claim to be "depressed" at age 15 or some shit, and are given fucking drugs by doctors to treat their supposed disorder, extremely alarming. seems to be a much worse problem stateside... i mean, for fuck's sake everyone's depressed about something at 15 - you 're fucking 15! one minute up, the next down...this is called being a teenager. the fact that normal teenagers (who love any excuse to moan and would jump onto a "depression" diagnosis like flies to a fresh turd) are being diagnosed with depression et al, rather than being told to stop moaning and go and mow the lawn, plus being given mood-altering drugs by alleged professionals is absolutely scandalous.
  7. hell, i'll dip pizzas in mustard.
  8. might have been alright if you used 2 or 3 burgers in each bun... also, where's the cheese?
  9. that's even less of a burger than my pizza
  10. [youtubehd]53dFS4oELYw&feature=relmfu[/youtubehd]
  11. have you ever performed said trick successfully? sounds a bit hard...
  12. The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover
  13. reposting as good tunes here for download! thanks pal!
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