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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. I work at a production company where I'm hired to make make music and sound fx for all kinds of stuff. Plus, I make music and sound as a freelancer for radio shows, animation studios, and art exhibitions. jesus. dream job right there. Trust me - working for "artists" can be a fucking pain in the motherfucking ass. yesh i bet.. still, would love to do something like this in theory lol
  2. I work at a production company where I'm hired to make make music and sound fx for all kinds of stuff. Plus, I make music and sound as a freelancer for radio shows, animation studios, and art exhibitions. jesus. dream job right there.
  3. man, what an asshole... sounds like you sorted him out though, nice one. edit: reads like the cunt doesn't even live there/in your building? jesus..
  4. lol man, i feel you... i hate having people over to stay (apart from my mates when they've crashed out on the sofa etc). so far managed to avoid having my girlfriend's parents to stay but do have her sister every now and again and i hate it...we live in a small 1 bed flat so she has to sleep in the living room meaning i can't stay up late watmming/drinking beer/smoking on my own like i usually do. weekends are so important to me too - really need those couple of days off and if people are staying over if feels like you don't have them and you go back to work on monday thoroughly annoyed. i'm such a miserable bastard.
  5. BCM


  6. i really like that midnoight track...
  7. well, i suppose i'd better go to bed really.
  8. BCM


    the only music with vocals i like is Lynyrd Skynyrd
  9. BCM


    how is this in any way acid?
  10. i watched the lawnmower man last night. it was funny.
  11. BCM


  12. BCM


    last 2 posts are pretty spam-worthy.... let's not turn this into a spam your own musics thread!
  13. I can't tell if thats your disappointed face, but i thought those tortilla burritos were pretty lame. it's my overwhelmed by the flavours face... i had a pork burrito with hot salsa, pinto beans, cheese and guacamole and though it wasn't the best i've had, it was certainly tasty and just what i needed after a couple of beers... i'll give it a 7/10 on the burrito scale.
  14. so i got a burrito earlier and i was real excited to have it
  15. BCM


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