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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  2. big bowl of pasta with italian sausage and mushrooms
  3. baked potatoes smothered in chili with a green salad and a dr. pepper
  4. hot dogs in white rolls with slow fried onions, ketchup and yellow mustard. i fucking love hot dogs.
  5. patskin was mr lobster. possibly.
  6. I wish I could have a smoke - I'm at the parents' place in Deeping at the moment. There was a bloke outside the Boundary fish and chip shop dressed as a giant chip in the pissing rain. Best job in the world. lol
  7. when not in record mode, press menu and select job, then scroll along to clear pattern. then re record.
  8. yep, still haven't mastered programming that thing, it's the complete opposite of intuitive. Such a pain in the ass. i have one - i just do all the programming in real time, playing along to a beat, then quantize if required. well I've done some of that, but what if you want to go back an remove a note? I've looked through the manual and it just doesn't even seem easy. yeah, that's not so easy - you have to press record, then menu (i think it's menu anyway) then put it in step record mode by selecting "stp" with one of the little yellow buttons...then press play to access the sequence and step through it with the forward and rewind buttons until you get to the note you want to delete, then press "delete" which is the alternate function of one of the 8 part buttons, then press enter to confirm. it's usually easier and quicker to just re record the whole pattern.
  9. yep, still haven't mastered programming that thing, it's the complete opposite of intuitive. Such a pain in the ass. i have one - i just do all the programming in real time, playing along to a beat, then quantize if required.
  10. i spot a Yamaha QY10
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