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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. circuit bent Boss DR-110 with DIN sync and instrument mods.
  2. sorry, they just looked well thin....maybe it's the camera angle...you ever thought about getting some studio monitors though? makes a lot of difference to what you're hearing truth wise (ie a more accurate representation of what's actually coming out of your gear).
  3. lol at that speaker on the right - how thin is that?? treble-tastic. sorry, sound like a right cunt.
  4. yeah man, me too - especially a sunsyn....pricey though!
  5. yeah, my mbase is fucking wicked!
  6. nice, how do you like the revolution? if i'm honest i don't really like the sequencer on the revolution - i would prefer a more "normal" step sequencer, but hey-ho.... i love the sound of it - think it holds up really well against the x0xb0x or genuine 303, it's fully analogue and has wicked CV routing capabilities and sounds great so i can't complain.... i am considering selling/swapping it though to replace with an MC-202 or doepfer dark energy perhaps....
  7. every track in this thread is genius.
  8. surely you don't need all those Korg MSes...I'd be more than happy to take one off your hands to help free up a bit of space for you...
  9. I also want an MC-202 but they're going for stupid money at the moment. Too expensive.
  10. in the uk we call it rambling. it is almost universally ridiculed.
  11. why do you need a credit card? can't you just set up a paypal account?
  12. btw for anyone who's having trouble downloading the tracks and is just getting an on line player instead - just right click on the download link and do a "save as" jobby and you should be fine.
  13. clitterhaus for first banning of 2010
  14. this thread turned negative didn't it? oh well, fuck it xxx - if you don't wanna pay for 'em, don't mate, problem solved. I own the vinyls too but am happy to pay £35 to get the new tracks. dunno why but because it's rephlex, I feel good about giving them my money. I wouldn't feel the same about any other label I don't think (except perhaps envmod of course). bottom line is, you'll get the tracks anyway whether you pay for them or not, so complaining loudly about it seems a bit pointless really. anyway, whatever, merry christmas and thanks rephlex!!
  15. got all the analords, monolith, new wisp and macc and whatshisface. fifty odd quid on mp3s! who'd have thunk it.
  16. looks like he's been using them to skin up to me of course I was! silly colonials...
  17. the x0xb0x is actually my mate's, the future retro revolution's mine though - new addition. it's very nice indeed....I'd say the x0xb0x has a little bit more mid range punch and the revolution a bit more high end and presence..
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