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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BCM

  1. Still drunk, I see. yep. was srivi... i'm better now.
  2. BCM


  3. Sorry. Meant to say Spoken Word. I'm fucking listening to Spkoen Word.
  4. I've got an Aira TB-3... it's alright! cheap, small, well made, sounds like a 303...what more do you want? haven't tried any of the others though, they might be shit.
  5. just started watching Fringe on Netflix coz me and my girlfriend wanted something trashy and stupid and lots of it. 3 episodes in i can't say I'm disappointed...it's definitely trashy and stupid...but enjoyable in a throwaway sense. easy watching you don't need to think about too much. kind of like CSI meets Millennium.
  6. also thinking of selling some gear now i've gone modular but can't really face parting with it...
  7. they spent far too much time on character development, a good writer should be able to develop his characters at the same time as advancing the plot. could probably have edited the whole thing down to like 5 episodes or something. crammed full of new agey nonsense as well, which didn't help. was interesting enough for the bits where stuff actually happened though. yeah agreed
  8. just finished sense8. yeah it's alright i guess...bit stupid but worth a watch i'd say. they like to crowbar sex scenes in every episode though which i didn't always think necessary.
  9. BCM


    er, i think maybe august time... will be some further stuff after that also
  10. BCM


    extremely harsh gabba patch jam made with my new modular...just fucking about with a couple of oscillators and lfos and shit... HOOFCUNT.mp3
  11. lol yeah space is tight in my house....london life innit...really haven't got anywhere else to put my gear so have had to set as much of it up as i can on a corner desk. got quite a few more bits and bobs in the loft, but can't fit them in...i'll occasionally swap things out for variety.
  12. came it at just over £1400 fully assembled with room for expansion. been eying up some additional modules already but this will likely keep me fully occupied for the next few months as it is
  13. Nice Doepfer! Is that a 505 down there? cheers! just got it today...been loving it so far... that's a 626 lurking on the shelf
  14. my extremely limited space set up...now with added modular!
  15. BCMing it out in a giant glass of beer innit[emoji481]
  16. BCM


    only the druggler album but you've already got that i think...thedruggler.bancamp.com
  17. BCM


    :( hope your ear gets better
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