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Posts posted by ghOsty




    I beat the final boss in Dark Souls 2 and this is a very good game.

    Weakest of the series imo.

    Only one I've played (for realsies) besides Bloodborne. Hella worth it imo. Good vidja.


    I really disliked DS2, but It's only bad in comparison to the first one. I reckon if you haven't played DS1 first and come with no expectations it's pretty good



    2 was the last one i played, I loved 1-3, and Bloodborne, but after playing all 3 of those  DS2: SotFS just felt like a steaming pile of shit, I didn't bother finishing, the difficulty felt artificially ramped by just having more enemies everywhere, and the combat just felt off compared to 1 and 3. I absolutely love 3 though and I'm looking forward to the remaster of 1 as I've only finished it once.


    Enjoying the hell out of Monster Hunter World lately, but Bazelgeuse can fuck right off, that fucker pops up in high rank at the absolute worst times and just ruins everything.


  2. Anyone playing Monster Hunter on PS4?

    Might be the first MH game that finally breaks through in the West


    Yeah, dove in over the weekend, most of the clan I played Destiny with has migrated over to this game... First MH game for me, but I LOVE it so far. So much deeper than the beta let on, but that's absolutely a good thing, I'm enjoying the curve of learning the complexities of the deeper mechanics.


    Gonna take on the Ajanath tonight and still trying to find the damn Grimalkynes in the Forest area...



  3. Finished American Vandal over the weekend, funnier than I thought it was gonna be, and overall a good satire on those Making A Murder, crime forensic type shows.


    Also, been going through Arrested Development again lately... I swear it gets better each time, the deeply layered running jokes, and subtle foreshadowings of jokes to come, it's pretty brilliant.

  4. Out of curiosity, any of you guys still playing Destiny 2? I haven't touched it in like 2 months, and had been playing minimally even before that. It seems pretty much my entire clan, which had a full roster has moved on to other games... Bungie really shot themselves in the foot with how they've managed this one. Killed all incentive to play pretty much with the emphasis on eververse and caps on loot and rewards. They're also being opaque as fuck about their plans to fix any of the known and well reported issues..


    Jumped back to play some Borderlands 2 over the weekend, had the wife playing with me on some split-screen co-op (more games should have that these days), I had forgotten how mindlessly fun this series could be, especially playing with others.


    Been playing Dark Souls 3 again lately, making my first attempt at a sorcerer run in a souls game... It's been a tougher start but my stats are starting to come around now. Pretty fun way to play, different tactics than the more melee builds, having to time spells, keep distance, manage mana etc.


    I usually find magic builds OP in Souls PvE but for some reason my magic character is still stuck at Aldritch, combination of high magic resistance and difficult to dodge attacks makes it real hard for me. And all the phantoms I summon are useless.



    I was suggested to do Aldrich last, I figured he'd be a fucking hassle as a mage, so I went to go kill Yhorm and the Dancer first, I'm gonna head into the Grand Archives to grab the crystal staff, then eventually I'll head to Aldrich when I can melt his ass with some 60 int soul spears.

  6. "Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the Dark Souls series, or someone looking to take their first plunge into the series, you can experience an epic, dark fantasy universe stricken by the Curse in stunning, high-definition detail running at 60 FPS, except for Blighttown of course, LMFAO, as if!"


    Blighttown gets a bad rap, yeah that area had some bad fps issues, but with proper gear on it wasn't overly difficult and was one of the more interesting areas in DS1... Anor Londo and those archers can fuck right off though.

  7. Got turned down for the full-time position I had been doing as an intern for 8 months because of their bureaucratic bullshit & overly-complicated hiring process done by HR completely outside of the department with no input from my boss and thier inability to fully read a cover letter...

    On the plus side, realizing this may be an out to a place I didn't really want to work at anyway....



    But it also means I have to start really jobhunting again... I hate the jobhunting/interview process.

  8. The whole film is better than the original unless you have nostalgia goggles on 




    it really is though... the whole world was expanded on, and it's like people forget the first one had some REALLY cringey subplots


    Neologisms & strawman arguments abound, and a few ad hominems for good measure!  Typical indoctrinated leftist rhetoric.


    I hope that you can allow God's grace to flow through you and transcend your station as basement-dwelling unemployable Marxists.


    Can you go back and edit 'cuck' and 'soyboy' into this post please?

    I was playing /pol/ Bingo and I nearly got a full house




  10. Looking back over metal lists for things I may have missed this year:

    Not sure how the fuck I missed new WITTR:


    These guys are pretty wicked, hope they come out with another full-length Charnel Passages was great


    Also upcoming Hooded Menace:

  11. I don't have anywhere particular I need to be today, but my car keys are being really fucking elusive today...  :facepalm:


    FFS...Sure enough, wife comes home and finds the in the front pocket of one of my hoodies in the laundry hamper within about 5 minutes of looking... I had looked all around the apartment, even checking pants pockets and under the couch, etc... I'd lose so many things if not for that woman  :fail:

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