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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. Try Mint Nose from IN.RAK.DUST - My fave!!!!
  2. Just had a Cornish pasty bought for my fresh from Cornwall this morning.
  3. I didn't get any emails before the first one was sent confirming either payment or posting.
  4. I got no dodgy emails and we've sent quite a few to and fro. On the up side it was waiting for me when I got home. Finally time to listen.
  5. He's posting me another out as one that was sent on the 29th hasn't turned up. Fucking royal mail. So I guess there are some left.
  6. Cheers Herr. They do like to misplace things. Hopefully ceephax turns up to you. Got a package today but it's from Switzerland. Thinking is moderat 2 which I ordered last week. Just hate waiting. 5 too!!! I'm gonna hold back till I get the delivery.
  7. Still waiting here.. I did pay last Friday but I thought it was getting sent out Saturday? Maybe it's the Royal Mail Fucktards that won't give it to me!!!!
  8. Robert Glasper - Black Radio 2 - Not as enjoyable as I'd hoped. Very R'n'B'ified Thundercat - Apocalypse - Great stuff, something you just won't find from anyone else... cool brah! Muziq - Chewed Corners - Regretting I got this on CD and not vinyl. Good stuff.
  9. I still don't see why so many people enjoy that show. It's terrible.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afP71xwLI8Y WATMM crew rejoice!!
  11. There was a bit but she claimed she polished it out. After all that her insurance phoned yesterday to sort it out. Happy ending I guess.
  12. Oh yeah missed that part. Turns out she must be blind, deaf and dumb because she didn't realise she hit another car and the alarm that was consequently going off. The saga continues...
  13. Took the car to get an estimate in my lunch hour and now they're questioning me about every item on it. I feel like just phoning her insurance and getting it done. She's demanding to speak to the body shop. Its almost like its my fault. Waste my fucking lunch break too.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTzw3GdAlSY
  15. Maybe they're different over here. I find bk fries to be crisp and textured.
  16. I always thought bk fries were better than McDonald's et al.
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