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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. Blackcurrant and liquorice boiled sweet.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPLct63xonQ
  3. Squarepusher - Numbers Lucent 8/10 Excellent, as usual. Love the dirty ending track, really cool. The Sight Below - No Place For Us & Murmur EPs 7/10 Both very nice and something for a chilled evening. Delicious. Trackermatte - Lazers Unending 7/10 Cool, funky and groovy. Various - What is a Jeffree? 4/10 Meh, doesn't really interest me tbh.
  4. I find it amazing that people still spout their racist views willy nilly, I feel for you having to be around people like that. I'd be cringing constantly.
  5. I enjoyed Far Cry 2 more, not cause it was better but it was more of a surprise when I first played it and I thought stalking worked a bit better. Far Cry 3 was just an updated Far Cry 2, as Far Cry 4 will be of 3, a newer game but the same idea without any HUGE changes. I think what they've got works, there's no need to change too much. First game all year that I'll buy soon after launch.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WREyAicJXkM
  7. I'm about half way through American Horror Story S1 and not sure whether to continue. Its OK but a bit all over the place.
  8. Correctemondo. I've done nothing to the photo. The view actually looked like Skyrim or something.
  9. Is anyone going to be getting far cry? Think it'll be awfully similar to the last but I may take the plunge.
  10. I recently got back from the US and ended up watching the A's when we were staying in San Francisco. The thing I learnt is baseball is still boring, but on the upside the fireworks were great.
  11. . will u overnight me one of those thx It'll be with you Wednesday.
  12. Had this badbwoy in some little burger place on Hollywood Blvd. I would say it's one of the best I think I've ever had...no joke.
  13. powerful I'd be well into that. Looks fun.
  14. A burger with cheese and salad from a place in San Francisco, can't remember the exact location but there were hippies all over the place. There were sooo many fries with it. Very tasty.
  15. Just starting the third week of my west coast US trip and a couple of times I've been unable to muster more than a couple of beers in the evening without feeling sick with stomach pains. takes me back to when I had a stomach ulcer. I'm taking omeprazole and zantac but its still bugging me. I guess it's excessive eating and drinking that's doing it but I don't really want to stop that till I get home. Portland brewery tour today.
  16. Got an email back from the lovely man saying it would be sent so it turns up on release date (1st September). Sweet!!!!
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