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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. Looks suspiciously like a burger to me.
  2. I quite enjoyed the American one. Not sure whether to watch the British one, feel it may annoy me.
  3. Watmm delivers on cuteness. I didn't think y'all had it in ya.
  4. Really loving my new job. Seems to be getting better each day. To celebrate I've booked Sonar.
  5. I've got an assignment to send in before Thursday and I came to do the last question (worth 25/100) tonight. I thought I'd whizz through that and have tomorrow evening to finish the write up and get the code looking a bit better. Not so easy, all I'm getting is damn exceptions and the more I think I'm changing the correct sections the worse it all looks. I can't tell you how much commented code I have right now. I'm sick to death of BufferedReaders and Scanners!!!
  6. Yeah what have you got? I'll be willing to buy some off you.
  7. For some reason I've started on 24 season 2 again. What else on UK netflix is worth watching?
  8. The first one wasn't positive. The bit you don't see is him slamming it into the wall.
  9. A bloke at the pub who looks like raoul moat just gave us some monkey nuts. They're soft and horrible but I'm still eating.
  10. Happy with my new job but I get home over an hour later which means I get home, quickly eat then straight to study until bed. No time for much else really. And I've left an assignment a bit late so there's no chance I can slack off anytime soon.
  11. My sherbet lemons, which, may I add, are called lemon sherbets, crack after a few small sucks and the contents are solid sherbet and not dusty like they should be.
  12. Apparently Flying Lotus is getting his own radio station for GTA V.
  13. I've been doing this thing where I put everything I fancy, music wise, into a spreadsheet and head down it buying a few everynow and then. Now I have a huge list which will take me ages to reach the bottom of. Every time I purchase more gets added. It seems like I'll never buy an album soon after release. I seem to be sticking to my ordered list strictly. Is that OCD?
  14. Another track. I hope it's going to be a decent release. He needs to release something pretty special to keep me interested.
  15. lol "hey that doughnut didn't have a hole in it before!" Or the oozing white custard.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VrRiQsYfZ4
  17. Cheers, I've been cautious ever since being caught out by Fallout.
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