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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by spratters

  1. I've got a good deal for a car I would like but I'm not sure if I should. The extra money I will spend on it could have gone toward credit card debt?
  2. Vegetable curry w/ cauliflower, potato, garden & chick peas, onion and celery.
  3. Holy shit Stephen, $115 and you haven't even tried it yet?
  4. For some reason I thought Metal Gear Rising was just a remake of the first one or two, didn't realise it was a new one. I've got such a list of games to get now but I want to finish what I've got now. Fuck
  5. I've been rubbing my knuckle against my stubble and it's gone through the skin on my knuckle and now it's sore. I wasn't expecting this at all.
  6. Apple and water. The apple's quite small but also crunchy and satisfying.
  7. Fanta Zero and a sausage sandwich with tomato sauce.
  8. lol 23. Was expecting much higher but then the questions didn't seem too intrusive really so I think i'm more autie than that. Who the fuck knows? I feel for the poor bugger who gets 50: 50 is maximum That would get to me..... Especially being as autistic as that
  9. That lot in the car are complete cunts that need castrating. I had the unfortunate experience of getting soaked head to toe on the way home from a rave once. Kid's that are probably going to school though, that's evil.
  10. I can't see a problem here. The earphones I exchanged have done the same thing in both ears. It was like I was listening to elevator music but I kept them in my ears just to drown out the inane bullshit that people at a council run gym talk about. I think I'm going to get on the Philips live chat thing and moan for a while.
  11. Finished Spaced. Nowhere near enough episodes for me. I guess I'll give Dexter S7 another go. The whole end of S6/beginning of S7 really put me off. Someone tell me it gets good again...
  12. Watching Spaced. Don't know why I never got into this but it's great. It looks quite dated for some reason but I'm loving it. Hello Brian...
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