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Posts posted by KovalainenFanBoy

  1. yesterday I saw a guy walking his big white labrador, they crossed paths with someone walking a smaller, leaner dog who got all excited, barking and jumping, while the labrador kept on strutting at a slow pace not even looking. It was a reassuring image and a cool dog

  2. I a/b'd the two Tuss masterings and managed to tell them apart even though they're exactly the same. You see, I am able to hear metadata. The file gets altered by the metadata, and I can correctly identify it 15% of the time

  3. adult swim does this thing where they release an exclusive track by different artists every week, and this year they got an Autechre track


    Streaming only, as apparently the legal/technical mumbojumbo associated with allowing downloads is a paint in the ass, and no one downloads music anymore (statistically speaking)


    I'd link a proper source but the only one I can find atm is MetalSucks


    Thx mang. Gonna empty the trash again in the morning, see if that'll mitigate their population. They breed like jackrabbits, but worth a shot.

    Yeah and they're so small they're nearly invincible, can't hit them with damn near anything. But just big enough to annoy the shit out of you, especially in a swarm. 


    If I was younger and dumber I might jury rig an Aqua Net flamethrower to eradicate a cloud at a time.



    just buy some bug spray

  5. Interesting nonetheless.


    It took me well into the 3rd track of a record I was playing to realize it was playing at 45 instead of 33 all the while I was thinking about what a cool album it was and what a cool music guy I am. The moroniest of morons.  


    That happened to me with Neu 75


    span having Fun, I like It!!!


    High Five to ya:)


    Aphex Twin




    cool new vid.


    Aphex Twin




    is the jazzband version available?


    ha ha ha


    imagine :)


    Aphex Twin




    is this thread having a groundhog day?


    fun movie :)


    fun :)


    Aphex Twin



    :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:



    took me some time but I get it know :)


    having fun at last :)


    APhex Twin




    :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign: :aphexsign:


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