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Posts posted by KovalainenFanBoy


    "T69 Collapse" is a great track, and the video was fun (nice to relive some elements of Weirdcore's visuals after having seen them live in Houston), but I must say I'm really surprised that there was all that hype just for an EP. Really puzzling.


    I'm feeling the amount of money spent on the awesome promotional posters and the video (which must of been a pretty penny) must be recouped in some way. So there must be more on the way. Has to be a few more live shows and an album. Hopefully.


    hey man it's Warp's sales dept. speaking, we need help figuring out how to make this record label thing work out, we think you're the man for the job

  2. I follow Earache on social media and they seem to be promoting country music 90% of the time which is kind of annoying, but I checked one of the tunes on YouTube and it had 12 million views, which is shocking to say the least for an Earache band

  3. > Fans demand unreleased track from 2 years ago

    > Aphex delivers the track

    > Fans are disappointed by lack of innovation


    could it be that the people asking for innovation arent the same people who are asking for the primavera track?


    shes your ex tho


    why are you trying to get her attention?

    hard question man.


    We are in good terms and still hang out/see each other often but she seems to not give a fuck anymore, which hurts because I thought she wasn't past me (like I'm not past her).

    and thats why you follow the ages old advice of going no contact with your exes unless you got your shit together to the point of nuclear fusion

  5. one of my friends has a pathological aversion to taking a passive role in conversation. He talks and talks about himself and things and people relating to him, and if you talk to him about whatever else he will try to take back control of the conversation as soon as physically possible, bringing it back to *his* experience and what *he* thinks. Worst case scenario he will straigt up make shit up, like talk about the movie you just mentioned like he's seen it when he has obviously not. He's talking as I type this... fuck me. I cant recall him ever asking someone for his opinion, or just a simple convo-carrying question like "so what did you do?". He just waits for you to breathe for 0.3 seconds to keep his monologue going

  6. John Zorn's O.G.. He's valid in whatever music thread. Listen to some Painkiller. Very much metal.

    That Inferno one is from a new group he assembled a few years ago called Simulacrum, the 2 albums I've heard from them so far are great


    re Painkiller: I'm listening to misc. Zorn stuff in an attempt to stop rinsing the Painkiller albums

  7. Reading Kafka's The Trial, it's definitely interesting but I'm not finding it particularly stimulating right now. I might be able to nail down what rubs me the wrong way about Kafka's style later on, but as of right now I'm not quite able to

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