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Posts posted by KovalainenFanBoy

  1. I still remember 6 arms and 6 legs


    Quite a few remember 8 arms and 8 legs


    Vitruvian Man


    First I've heard of 16 arms and 16 legs




    Be the Light that radiates unconditional Love and have Fun:)

    Vitruvian Man




    he used to be a drawing


    just sittin there chillin




    now he 3D doll


    and fast as fuck


    who member? which you member?

  2. By the way, when you conduct your surveys, how do you pose the question? Do you ask them something like "do you remember the UK flag being symetrical or asymetrical" or "is the UK flag symetrical?", or do you just ask them to describe the UK flag? I think the former questions, not being neutral, might influence the result


    diatoms likes to do this thing where he posts pics with no explanation for attention, and so he can go "gotcha :) :) :) :) :) :)" later


    Anyway I assume it's the teeth. In the movie he has a single block of teeth with no gap, but a lot of people seem to draw him with 2 front teeth because that's the usual and an easy mistake to make. diatoms somehow thinks this is interesting or significant for reasons nobody here has smonked enough weed to comprehend. And on and on. Good thread

    :::) Nice one span!!! (:::


    "a lot of people seem to draw him with 2 front teeth because that's the usual"


    What's the usual?


    How many people have you seen with one huge central incisor

  4. diatoms likes to do this thing where he posts pics with no explanation for attention, and so he can go "gotcha :) :) :) :) :) :)" later


    Anyway I assume it's the teeth. In the movie he has a single block of teeth with no gap, but a lot of people seem to draw him with 2 front teeth because that's the usual and an easy mistake to make. diatoms somehow thinks this is interesting or significant for reasons nobody here has smonked enough weed to comprehend. And on and on. Good thread


    new Deafheaven sounds like they've stopped trying to blend black metal and post-rock and they just made a straight up post-rock album with all its cheesy tropes and added some black metal sections here and there


    so they pretty much stayed the same? *ducks*




    really though, this new one is something else. It's jarring

  6. I hope she figures out the mastering situation cuz the album sounds like trebly dogshit


    The high freqs on this album are ear piercing. Maybe some people are disagreeing in this thread because their ears can't catch frequencies that high anymore. Just for safety, please don't play this album around your dogs and other pets

  7. After the massive letdown that was Dark Knight III, Xerxes is the proper, fully Frank Miller comic I was looking for. Only 2 issues in, but it's great so far.


    The following book is Spanish only, but there's relatively little text on it, I could probably translate the whole thing in an hour. It's the best comic I've read in a long while, and it's made better by the fact that I got it in exchange for one of my most hated comics ever, Jodorowsky's The Incal. Each chapter in this book is drawn in a different style, including: 80s shonen, Tokyo Zombie-style intentionally shitty manga, 60s romantic american comics, geometrical abstract comics, Johnny Ryan-esque style, Frank Miller's DKII worship, and a chapter where all the characters are just action figures. and probably a lot of other references I'm missing. It's amazing. I highly recommend it





    sample page:





  8. I think one of my best friends has the hots for my girlfriend. Whenever we hang out, he never really asks me anything - but he's asking her questions nonstop and goes out of his way to interrupt me to so he can ask her more questions. He has actually done that for quite a while.

    But then... My girlfriend's studio is in a building which he suddenly wanted to move into as well. There are tons of free rooms but he decided to move into the one which is right across from hers and now they're constantly texting.


    I'm probably just overthinking things, but...




    if that's one of your best friends I'd love to know how the other ones are

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