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Posts posted by KovalainenFanBoy




    that makes me so angry. Don't think I've been bothered by a celebrity death since David Bowie?

    same here, first that anal cunt guitarist cracked his skull by making a backflip from an elevator and now this




    that's the best way to go for an Anal Cunt member tbh

  2. I'll never understand suicide by hanging, it's a relatively slow and painful death. Easy enough and quiet, but I assumed someone like Bourdain would've gone the OD route? I always liked his shows.


    in executions by hanging the neck usually snaps after the drop if it's done right so it's quick and easy, dunno if that's usually the case for domestic suicide

  3. I'm doing my final uni project which is a bit more on the theoretical/academic side but all the resources, guidelines etc on how to do one of these projects are geared towards industry/enterprise kinda projects and it's doing my head in


    on the FWS side I managed to justify my complete lack of time management skills and planning ability as fitting within "the agile development framework offshoot known as extreme programming[citation], related to the chaos model[citation]". What a whole load of crap

  4. Today I wanted to leave my whatsapp status empty, but you can't do that as far as I know so I just set '.' (a single period) as my status. But that's not the same as leaving it empty... then again, purposefuly leaving it empty would be like saying something, in a way. So I guess it's impossible to not say anything once you're forced to make a statement since not saying anything is a statement in itself. The conclusion was that the only way to not communicate anything in that situation is to have no one read it, which is possibly happening anyway, and at that point whatever you say or don't say doesn't matter which is kind of ironic (only ironic after following this train of thought, which was flawed to begin with, so not really ironic)


    This led to me thinking about the 'normcore' style of clothing which afaik consists of looking as non-descript as possible, which again is an impossible task. Lately I've been wearing nothing but solid colors, completely plain clothing, no graphics no anything. But that also says something doesn't it? It's a conscious choice. When it comes to clothing it's the same, it's impossible not to imply anything. The solution would be to have no one ever see you I guess


    I realize these are not original or interesting thoughts in any way


    Still Stuff is my favorite track as of right now, mostly because of Anohni's singing



    could overtake still life as my bestest favouritest opn track ever


    since you're in Spain... going to Primavera this coming week?


    nope, it's on the other side of the country (in a different country even, or maybe not)... one day though

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