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Everything posted by sheatheman

  1. i was drawing the ghostbox logo for a while before i knew about ghostbox. was vexing/inspiring in a way.
  2. a lot of ghostbox reminds me of plone in a way.
  3. hey yek i have that mixer. THE XENYX 1204 USB! it's tight.
  4. haha i have that one! got it back when it was 49c. can you still get long-form tracks for that much in the UK? they changed it a while ago in the US. it's $5.99.
  5. can't afford it. but i actually love that stuff.
  6. there is a genophage spreading in my city. by 2014 billions will be dead.
  7. 5.99 bro. nice try though. if this was 2008
  8. So what should I get? I have enough for one track. I remember back in the day when every track cost 1 credit, even tracks that were overly long. during those days i bought the disintegration loops for 1 credit. 49 cents.
  9. this is a third world problem would they be that bothered about not having electricity in the third world? a quarter of the world has no electricity supply at all. but still, that is one of the more frightful first world problems. second world
  10. im still stuck on heaven's door.
  11. you have an impressive array of odds and ends. i wish i had that ms10
  12. I just got my bachelors degree in creative writing, so my first world problem is figuring out how to do something with it while my wife is going to grad school. The real problem is whether to be motivated by the hope of a freer future, or to realize that being human means having problems in every possible circumstance and trying to appreciate something right NOW, instead of looking back/measuring your current life against your past life. We look forward and we look back, but we need to do a lot more looking around, looking up.
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