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Everything posted by sheatheman

  1. Your grandpa sounds cool. What album? A little green mountain with a lonely cloud?
  2. Wee Bey is just where I want him to go with his sound. Yes!
  3. That car drifted like no car I have ever seen.
  4. I don't know where else to post this, but it is amazing. I can't believe how amazing. http://youtu.be/Dj3vUOsBr8k Lane: I lucked out and went to a Beer on the Rug show and got a ClearSkies from Prism Corp. I am not willing to sell, but that would be the way to get something in the future, if you are at all able--from a merch table. PS: If you want to be a really legit vaporwaver, then you will be a connoisseur of the late 80's early 90's stuff that was somehow being earnestly what all of the vaporwave related stuff has been trying to emulate for the past several years. Amazon is a great resource for cassette purchases of that nature. I just purchased this gem:
  5. It's the Place Beyond the Pines in real life.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxDSMPm6F1w HA!
  7. I enjoyed the heck out of a Vietnamese Iced Coffee this afternoon, then I looked at the nutrition facts for condensed milk. Yikes.
  8. I cannot find spore. I don't explicitly consider slowed down 70's/80's/90's songs to be vaporwave. Most of vaporwave is using samples, but people like computer dreams use(d) them more judiciously, and ma[k](d)e new songs with them. Doing a "good" job really isn't hard though. I've made a couple things like that for fun.
  9. http://youtu.be/hqf_SIQ3JAk Accelerationism! Woohoo! That is awesome. How stoked are you?
  10. Actually, I have been making FUSIONOVA for some time.
  11. What is the stuff that was originally considered vaporwave? Also, who are the people pushing it forward? Internet Club? Beer on the Rug? I met CVLTS and they were cool. And please, I love your avatar. It makes me happy to stare at it.
  12. So is Ultra your friend in real life? Love all of his/her stuff. It's too bad you and I never hung out when I was in Ohio. Columbus is a chill place.
  13. gmanyo, just because your avatar is a slowly rotating diamond .gif doesn't mean you are the lone sentinel of the vaporwaves. And is that Torn Hawk album really vaporwave? I mean, if we are actually going to say what is and isn't "vaporwave" at this point. Seriously though, what's next?
  14. First rule of vaporwave. You don't talk about vaporwave.
  15. http://youtu.be/1WfAmL-dIBQ Coolest fashion related item I have yet reviewed. It is grand in its vision. Gives me chills. Makes me want to start a colony. I'm more interested in this from a narrative standpoint. Other people can handle the social aspects.
  16. While your 13yo self may have thought so, my 25yo self loves it. You cannot go wrong with that movie and a couple of friends. It's so hilarious. Edit: There is a fwp, not having limitless time/friends willing to watch the substitute with me.
  17. Where is Tom Berenger when you need him? I graduated from an alternative school. The Academy of Creative Education, or ACE. I finished early too. 7 years later and I am working on my MFA. It can be a good thing for people who are too mature for high school.
  18. That's a REALLY good song but unfortunate missed loop opportunity. After some recent listenings to the first half of Silver Wilkinson and his Absence remix, I welcome him back into my list of respected artists.
  19. I lived in Ohio from Jan 2011 - April 2013 and they have roundabouts. People still figure out how to use them in a trashy way though. Just because you give a trashy person a nice set of clothes doesn't mean he is going to show up on The Sartorialist. He will probably sell the clothes and buy Mountain Dew/Pepsi Cubes (3 for $11.99) and Skoal. It does discourage panhandling though, but a determined Samaritan will stop at nothing to relinquish handouts. I once caused a five car pileup so I could give this one HoBo a Taco Combo.
  20. That SimCity guide. We all live in a SimCity.
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