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Everything posted by sheatheman

  1. nice, they look identical, although mine are Clarks desert boots. Wow we have the same, Clarks desert boots, exact color as above ;) It's basically the oldest shoe design out of all here. It's like an old fashion cobbler type of shoe, i'm thinking turn of the century, probably what Daniel plainview had.
  2. Ah yes, the the macalister boot. I have these ones: The last pair of shoes I got were these, and then lo and behold, jcrew picks up a version of them but for $160: I like these shoes because they make me feel like michael j fox.
  3. So far I've managed to get it up to a 46. When I took it honestly I got a 15
  4. Ghost Writing is THE TRACK. in my top 5 Hecker tunes for sure. i have no idea what to listen to lately. last thing I listened to was: Belong - Common Era. Love that album.
  5. i really thought i was looking at a photoshoppse what? oh yeah i forgot. i photoshopped on clothes.
  6. that's a really good one isaki. everything about this is gold
  7. this is kind of strange i guess. i don't know how to play.
  8. just got my east and west time zones confused, so I experienced a few moments of sadness and then a burst of joy when i realized that I hadn't missed the Tim Heidecker Q&A.
  9. Hey 3 is a nice album.
  10. This and the immediate environment gets me good results.
  11. Lone Survivor. A very scary game. machinarium is more than cute. i was very moved by it.
  12. So are these like stand by "strange pics" for you guys, like you have a list of strange pics that you know of, or are you just finding them on the spot?
  13. highly recommend the Doc's youtube channel. also a great cdbaby http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/drtrudeau4. listen to the subtle differences. those rave videos are excellent.
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jhDqPgd_zc&feature=relmfu
  15. If that guy videoed me he would be in for quite a surprise. My car recently got towed, so this feels good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzc8vS-ac-g&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LL_jGSMpB_ImIOVY-suNE5Rw
  16. Ok. You know how in games like skyrim or deus ex, when you walk up to an npc, each time the npc registers that you are there, they will say something? And in some next gen games, they have made an effort to not have them repeat the same sentence each time, like they will cycle through maybe 5 sentences, and then just revert to "Go away. Get away from me. Get out of here." These videos make me think of a future game where the responses are limitless. Maybe the dev team constantly uploads new content that is downloaded each time you turn the game on. I've thought of this before, but these videos illustrate it perfectly. What is needed for games like that to happen? It's one of the major walls in gaming.
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