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Proc Fiskal - Lothian Buses


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New EP on Hyperdub, released on March 26th 2021

"Lothian Buses is an EP of genre collisions with Proc Fiskal amalgamating his twinkling, caffeinated grime sound with the rhythms and sounds of other genres, without overthinking it all."



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  • 1 month later...

Thoroughly enjoyed. Reminds me a lot of what I loved about Insula but also calls to mind other artists one might not expect like The Books, at times

Edited by splesh
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  • 1 month later...

Really great EP! More people need to check out this guy. Really loved his INsula album as well, he has a very nice way of producing Grime music. He reminds me of what Zomby could have sounded like if he made better music.

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