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Guest Mr. Magoo

okay so what is better; a real minimoog or the vst?


i might want to buy one if i get the money, saw if you got one can you please post a funky filtery phat sound clip?


please dont be a cunt and post a fake!


whats the advantages/disadvantages?


more info?



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Guest 277: 930-933

The VST it much better, sounds much more like a minimoog than that cheap plastic rip-ff moog released in the 70s.

VST has got much nicer filters.

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Guest Captain Cooper

To be fair, you ask so many stupid questions that quite honestly you deserve it. I'm actually a REALLY nice guy.

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Guest Captain Cooper

In fact I wouldn't be surprised if you were some experimental satirical troll-compound of silly WATMM clichés

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okay so what is better; a real minimoog or the vst?


real, vintage minimoog:



- no aliasing or harshness in oscillators

- unlimited frequency range - not bandlimited like (good) virtual analog

- fatter, deeper, richer, more "present" sound

- almost unequalled for basses and leads

- instant control of all parameters from panel



- no patch memory (unless you're talking about the newer Voyagers)

- no midi unless modded

- possibly expensive in good condition

- may need repairs, including hard / impossible to obtain parts

- bit of a one trick pony (basses, leads)


Honestly, though, if you have to ask then you probably don't want a real one with all the expenses and headaches. Check out the Minimonsta which will give you an uncanny simulation plus patch memory, more versatility, and fewer headaches integrating it into your rig. (Arturia also has a minimoog vst but I don't think it's so shit hot)

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Guest Captain Cooper

I like the Arturia plugin, not tried the MiniMonsta though, but Gmedia's ImpOSCar is very high-quality so I'd imagine it's really nice too!

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Guest Mr. Magoo

captin cooper! although my questions may sound stupid,i'm only trying to get personal info on various things, so why act like a cunt? you make me a frustrated daddy, so peace out African American.

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Guest 277: 930-933
To be fair, you ask so many stupid questions that quite honestly you deserve it. I'm actually a REALLY nice guy.


Yeah, same here I'm not really a bitter cunt.

It's just the questions you ask, and the way you phrase 'em 'which is better?', what the hell?


I actually like helping people out with their questions, especially when they're easy and simple because then I can actually give a correct answer, but maaaaaaaan...

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Guest 死んでく

A real minimoog costs £2000 on ebay. Unlike the £500 TB-303 which one could afford if he really really wanted it and saved his money towards it for a year or two, this is extremely expensive for one little piece of an amateur studio.


Mr. Magoo, are you a big fan of Dr Dre or another Minimoog user?


If not then I wonder why you are interested in this synthesizer?


This is obvious, but you could buy various interesting pieces of equipment for £2000.


I've recommended a Roland SH-101 to someone on here before, and he came back satisfied. I recommend the Roland SH-101 to you too. It's fantastic, and it costs about £300 or less.


If you insist on buying a Minimoog, good luck to you. Let us hear some samples of it...

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Guest Mr. Magoo

i just wanted to know if it had things like midi, or what it is like from a owners view, i'm sorry that i phrased it wrong, i just saw a george benson video and there were two bass players? yes 2, and there was the keyboard guy with a minimoog in his collection, and i could distictive hear it!

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why not get like a moog rogue or something simpler instead. prophet 5? minimoogs ae, from what ive heard, expensive, hard to find in good condition, hard to maintain and are very limited.. sure the filter and all that is unsurpassed but seriously, there's better alternatives for an aspiring musician. personally im saving up for an sh101. i'll get a minimoog and tr808 and all the fancy shit whenmy music has made me rich

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Guest 死んでく

Ah, a beginner should start off with a lamer synthesizer than he intends to use later on advice. Apart from cost, why not start on a great synthesizer? This kind of advice was given here before. People were advising someone to use VST's to learn with instead of buying a beautiful analogue synthesizer. This advice here is similarly bad. It's much better to start off with an excellent synthesizer, as you can listen to the beautiful sounds straight away. If it's possible to choose something good immediately, then do it! Apart from cost, why not start on the Minimoog? Nobody said anything about opening up the Minimoog and tweaking it and fucking with it and replacing the components inside of it.


I'm not saying anyone here is a beginner, but I hear this kind of advice quite often and it is bad advice that should not be heeded by anyone with an interest in electronic music. The only reason not to buy the Minimoog is the price, as Mr Magoo could buy a lot of other excellent equipment for the same cost.


Would Kraftwerk and Delia Derbyshire have sounded better if they had started off with cheap synthesizers or VST's? Nope! They started off with great synthesizers and fantastic equipment, and their work is excellent in every way. A great synthesizer won't make a song great on its own, nobody is saying that, but apart from reasons of cost why not put excellent sounds from an excellent machine in your song straight away?


Don't use excellent equipment straight away, practice on something poor first so you'll appreciate the excellence more later on. Fuck that.




The following website says that the minimoog is controlled by CV/Gate. No good midi device for it then. Do those Kenton boxes have a reputation for accurate timing? Is there another make of CV/Gate box with a reputation for good timing?



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Several counterpoints here Mr (language pack not installed).


1) Something "Good" is entirely subjective. Some people may like the sound of VST's.


2) Dr Dre's production team uses the Arturia Minimoog VST


3) Kraftwerk and Delia Derbyshire had no choice as to what equipment to start off with. In once sense, their synthesizers were pieces of junk because they were tempermental, difficult to transport, in many cases had no recallable presets. Often would fall out of tune, etc. All of which were conditions that no doubt infuriated them to no end.


The advice to hold off on buying expensive real gear is often given to try and dissuade people from making the same mistake that so many others have made/seen made. It's really not advisable to overextend your budget and possibly end up discouraged from music making because your first experience with it is trying to figure out what to do with a big, heavy, tempermental piece of electronics that can't interface easily with your computer (ergo your likely source of other sounds).


If after all the dissuading in the world you still end up doing it, more power to you, it's just the more conservative approach.

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They started off with great synthesizers and fantastic equipment


in the case of kraftwerk - that statement is wrong - they built most of their early quipment, it was unreliable and it broke often - the moog only made an appearance on the 3rd or 4th album


give correct advice as well as good advice

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Guest 死んでく
They started off with great synthesizers and fantastic equipment


in the case of kraftwerk - that statement is wrong - they built most of their early quipment, it was unreliable and it broke often - the moog only made an appearance on the 3rd or 4th album


give correct advice as well as good advice


Thanks for the correction.


If you can afford the damn Minimoog, don't hold back. If you can't afford it, don't bother. We all agree here right? ;)

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i had money for a minimoog and more, you know what i did? I spent it on some proper shit, an analogue mixer, good monitors, RME soundcard. so I have a good base for all the synths i want to get in the future.


if you have a minimoog, you dont want to let the minimoog signal go through phono to jack converters and stuff into your fucking soundblaster mic input


id say its best to invest in a good base setup to add the rest of your equipment, it doesnt sound like youre very experienced with music and just grasping at different straws based on what you read at vintagesynth.com

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Guest Mr. Modular

It's most def. not a one trick pony. It's capable of leads, basses, mental effects and check this out; you can tune the oscillators apart to make chords.. If there's such a thing as a one trick pony it's the 303.

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It's most def. not a one trick pony. It's capable of leads, basses, mental effects and check this out; you can tune the oscillators apart to make chords.. If there's such a thing as a one trick pony it's the 303.

i smell a war brewing

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