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who of you smelly crusties are going to Glade

Guest Jimbob

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it is now looking very very likely that while Thursday will be showery at worst, there's thunderstorms and heavy rain on cue for Friday. Every forecast you care to look at concurs. So may as well just accept it - it's only a bit o mud.


Got me wellies sorted today, 4-man tent and sleeping pouches sorted yesterday, camping chairs and a white Transit van at the ready. All we need now is some puff and eez, and some pot noodles, and we're set. Leaving Glasgow to hit the road about 5am on Friday morning, so should arrive at Glade sometime early afternoon. Probably to promptly pass out in a tent and sleep all weekend...

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I take my wellies to every festival anyway so it's not going to cause me too much hassle taking them. Does look like Friday will be horrible though. I just keep telling myself the site's nowhere near as big as Glastonbury so even if it's muddy it's not going to be anywhere near as bad as that gets!!

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Guest Dirty Protest

The forcasts change by the day so we might be all right, but either way I dont mind, if it rains i'll just get some wellies and a U.S. army poncho, its a good look :smiling:

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Guest Idiron
It's going to be fine, trust me


that's the spirit tom - incidently how are you for drugs? me and my associates are sorta floundering, need mdma.

also, anyone got an airbed pump?

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It's going to be fine, trust me


that's the spirit tom - incidently how are you for drugs? me and my associates are sorta floundering, need mdma.

also, anyone got an airbed pump?


though i personally have not got any class a's (yet) - my mate's got loads of e's and shit. there'll be loads there anyway - you'll get sorted out...

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Guest Jimbob

i had a nosy at the weather forecasts for the Thatcham area, and i believe it predicted lots of cloud, but rain only on sunday. even so, fuck it, i'll be wearing my least favourite trainers. i feel abit sorry for those worried about the rain, just bring a brolly.

i'll be bringing a lovely bag or herbs, plenty of red rooster (not bull), and some southern comfort. i'll also be on the lookout for some 2cb, as my jaw doesn't like MDMA :laughing:

I'm sure there will be a WATMM camp?

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Guest blutac

buy when you get there, the quality is so good from the hippies selling there I almost feel like the organisers might have a hand in quality control


on another note this smoking ban in fucking bullshit went for a pint with a few mates an had to go outside for a fag. it should have been ok but you the summers fucked as well - how the fuck did you guys let this happen. also shouldnt it cover the music tents at festivals, and seeing as how glade is one of the first ones since it came in, do you think they'll try to set a precedent?

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Guest Jimbob

Righty right, turns out the people i thought i would be travelling down with are allready sorted for transport, so if theres anyone who wants a lift on Thursday from the Cheshire area, pm me and we'll exchange numbers, i'll be going down about lunchtime.

or if anyone has a spare car seat then give me a shout

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Guest Coalbucket PI

im fully packed! im working all day tomorrow so i had to get it done. just did a run to asda for tins of beans with sausage and super noodles and beer and smartprice scotch. there had better be mdma or pills in there cause i havent got time to sort any beforehand.


not looking forward to the long hard trek from the car park with all this stuff ive got...

full size backpack + shoulderbag of john smiths + union jack camping chair + 8 kilos of tent

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Guest butane bob

I've decided I'm going after all. Leaving Dublin airport tomorrow morning, gonna spend the day in London then head on up early thursday.


Is it wise to buy off the street at all? I'm wary of being sold a lemon but would like to get something sorted before heading to the festival due to this tightened security shite.


Any pointers for where to go looking for a clarkycat and a jessop jessop jessop jessop?

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when you say long hard trek from car park - what you talking here?


this is our first time - so not familiar with lie of the land. Coming down in a Transit van, how far from where this would be parked to where we pitch tent?

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Guest Idiron

it isn't that far from the carpark, probably only have to stop about once to catch your breath/un-whiten your fingers, but you're strapping scottish folk so you probs won't have a problem!


feel sorry for us train/shuttlebusers

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hmmm, despite my best efforts, i've not got that much cash to take... gonna take some weed and a bit of grub and cheap booze and that's gonna be me cleaned out. i'm fucking annoyed with myself coz i saved about five hundred quid for this and now i've spunked most of it...:) it's all london's fault. impossible to just stay in and not spend money.... even when you do stay in you end up spending money.... oh well, at least i've got an instant tent! anyway, we're leaving from balham tomorrow afternoon, so i'll see you cats there!!

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01733 755 783


If anyone fancies a swift meet!


what - you taking your land line with you then eh? LOL.


giz yer mobile.

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