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who of you smelly crusties are going to Glade

Guest Jimbob

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Guest Jimbob

i am indeed attending. It'll also be my first festival, and i'll be attending alone, as all my associates are cocks and would rather go to the pub.

i wanna see a big show of WATMM hands here

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I am going to go to The Glade Festival and get wacked out of my gourd

Sounds like a damn fine plan - I shall be there doing much the same


are we actually going to meet up this time? I failed miserably last time on account of getting royally hammered :rolleyes:

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Guest Ron Manager

potentially. i'm going to the states for a couple of weeks in july, but i don't know when yet.


on a somewhat unrelated note, how large is the Northern WATMM Krew? im sure coalbucket is from around manchester, as are stripey and jimbob, grizz is from somewhere up north (sorry i can't remember)... obviously there are more but i'm drawing a blank at the moment. i know there's at least another member in manchester. seems like all the UK watmmers are from fucking london.

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Guest Iain C

I'm definitely going, so are the rest of the Electric Welland crew from last year those who met them.


Anyone who's going alone should probably hook up with us, we had an amazing time last year camping with Idiron and his entourage, WATMMers are good fun :wink:

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Guest Iain C

I was just having a poke around the main site - it says security will be stepped up this year, and for the first time there's the ominous mention of a "drugs policy". I've had a great time there the past couple of years and I'm hoping for a repeat occurence this year, but one of the big let downs in the 2006 festival was the overbearing, unfriendly and unhelpful security service. I hope it all works out.

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me and my mates are hopefully going! not been before so looking forward to it immensely....i'll be well up for a big WATMM camp site bit....

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one of the big let downs in the 2006 festival was the overbearing, unfriendly and unhelpful security service. I hope it all works out.


You're not wrong there, some of the stories I heard were shocking! It does seem like the organisers have properly listened to all the complaints though - it sounds like they'll have a security firm who actually understand what's going on instead of barging in all heavy handed.... Let's hope anyway.


As for the drugs policy, I think every festival will have some reference to a similar thing, keeps the authorities (and any local residents fishing for ways to try and not get their licence granted) happy doesn't it. Last year they had those amnesty bins didn't they - wonder if anyone actually chucked anything in them?!?


Grizz - they're going to start announcing the line up when tickets go on sale this year. Some self confirmed people so far are: Eat Static, Scotch Egg, Neil Landstrumm, Phil Hartnoll, Gaudi Dub, Michael Forshaw and Clark. There are probably more by now, I got those off a forum a few weeks ago (NOT Gladtalk I hasten to add...)

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Guest Jimbob
not enough tekno


hey jimbob - i see from your signature that you recently listened to bend over by ninja tune


Wagon Christ right? happens the best of us mate.

im well looking forward to it...ill be making a WATMM sign, who's with me? i dont seem to be the only loner attending.

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I think they are planning for the security to be tough on fence jumpers, tent robbers etc, but also for them to be more informed in terms of what sort of people are going to be punters, and what demands attention and what doesn't.


The organisers are well aware of security problems from last year, I have faith in them to get it right this time as they actually seem very receptive to peoples feedback and are keen to improve on anything that needs it.

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Guest Coalbucket PI
potentially. i'm going to the states for a couple of weeks in july, but i don't know when yet.


on a somewhat unrelated note, how large is the Northern WATMM Krew? im sure coalbucket is from around manchester, as are stripey and jimbob, grizz is from somewhere up north (sorry i can't remember)... obviously there are more but i'm drawing a blank at the moment. i know there's at least another member in manchester. seems like all the UK watmmers are from fucking london.

im at uni midlands style but ill be back down south where i belong soon, sorry to disappoint


I didnt see any security people at all but Ive heard a few complaints, the bit on their site about it seemed to suggest they had taken the complaints on board...


Also its liscensed for 16500 tickets... thats another increase of a few thousand I think.


and yeah if theres a meet up I'll participate, Ive become quite a regular watmmer nowadays

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Guest blutac

I'll be there. coming back from my world tour especially for it. Hope they don't bump up ticket prices too much and they have some decent headliners. By the way Im very offended that no one has realised I've stopped posting and sent me a heartfelt pm.

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Guest Iain C

Ha, I've not been posting much myself in the past few months, the real world's been catching up with me finally.

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I think they are planning for the security to be tough on fence jumpers, tent robbers etc, but also for them to be more informed in terms of what sort of people are going to be punters, and what demands attention and what doesn't.


The organisers are well aware of security problems from last year, I have faith in them to get it right this time as they actually seem very receptive to peoples feedback and are keen to improve on anything that needs it.



By the way Im very offended that no one has realised I've stopped posting and sent me a heartfelt pm.

Sorry mate, I don't post on here enough to notice these things :laughing:

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Guest Ron Manager
Ha, I've not been posting much myself in the past few months, the real world's been catching up with me finally.

same. my watmm time has plummeted since i came to uni. i don't understand half of what goes on around here anymore.

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Just seen this on the Glade website:


Email as sent out to mailing list at 9pm, Friday 13th April...



Hello from all of us at the Glade...


As some of you may or may not know, we had the license hearing today. We were expecting, as in previous years, to get a positive result this evening but the council are undecided and will be informing us of their decision early next week.


As a result, tickets will not be going on sale tomorrow (Saturday, 14th April) as we don't want to sell tickets for an unlicensed festival! Please bear with us for a few more days..


We're now not going to name a time for tickets going on sale until we have received the decision from the council and so will be, as soon as we know, sending out an eflyer to all people on the mailing list with a link to tickets. We also are unable to announce the exact ticket price yet.


The lineups we're not going to publish yet either. Again we will start publishing this on the site as soon as we have a go from the council...


We hope you understand and we can't wait to move to the next stage of this extraordinary journey...


All the best from us.



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Guest Jimbob

i'm confident it'll happen, if not at a different site.

just out of interest, how long do the tickets normally take before being devoured by hungry Glade customers?

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Guest Coalbucket PI

its never been within the first few days at least, I know I bought an extra one a maybe even a week after they came out last year.


according to this new email, mailing listers are getting access first again

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