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They said Analord was "quite good"


























But seriously Yellow House by Grizzly Bear is like one of my fav albums evar.

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Guest AOOproductions
they used to be bleeding-edge now they're merely legendary


Only merely legendary? goddamn. But seriously, since the label started signing indie bands they kinda lost alot of my respect. I guess I'll just have to stick with Planet Mu and Rephlex for my braindancing :braindance:

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Guest tht! tne

maybe the warp 4 could start releasing on these minorer labels to save them

i don't know the logistics though i don't guess minors could afford to distribute to satisfy that kind of demand

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Guest earlgrey

anyone know how Warp is doing financially in this Maximo-Park-and-chums era? Maybe they see the current direction as a well-deserved commercial blooming after a good decade or so of releasing critically successful albums to a relatively small audience.

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