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some new track i was working on tonight


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im not sure if i like where this is going or if its total shit

the bassline halfway through was a total afterthought (changed)

the 4/4 bit in the middle will probably go (changed)

(or at least change the kit for that bit)

the use of the amen feels a bit unneccesary (more amen)

but i like what the amen does just before it goes again

it is in no way finished yet (still)


do you have any opinions ideas suggestions ?

updated file...


05 night night.mp3


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Guest cuubjan

Its a pretty awesome track overall, for the melody and such the amen fits decently but at times it seems a bit heavy

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i disagree. i think the amen fits nicely (i'm a sucker for it). might do with some more hihat action for it to flow better, and a deep bassline to compliment it. maybe add a tad of reverb action

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amen fits nicely, I would still go for more analogue sound, make it a bit warmer, tape-like.

the beat around 03:00 is just great.

nice work.

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definitely not total shit IMO.


i think the FEEL of the amen is good... its nice to have a break there, but why does it have to be the amen? you could write your own break... the hats in the rest of the track are so good... just layer another kit and have some fun... or else pull in a more random break sample. just my opinion.


the melody has a nice feel here... the mood and expressiveness of this track are good.


i like the percussion a lot... i'd spend more time on the synth sounds... their sequencing and dynamics work for me... but at times they sound a bit hollow... good pitch, etc... just depth/texture. maybe some layering?


regardless, nice work... definitely keep it going.

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cheers eric.... i know the synths and levels need altering and sorting out much more

even though i wacked it up on myspazz when i made this thread

i think i wAS just eager to put something new on there


i'll repost an updated ver. soon



and re: the amen...

i know i started the discussion by saying it felt unnecessary when i was making the track...

but i can't understand how people can say it's done / played out etc

ive loved that break for over 20 years now and i cant just stop loving it cause electronic music says its done with....

might as well stop using an 808 cause britney (or beyonce or whoever) name checked it in a crappy song

might as well stop playing guitar cause jimi hendrix did everything 40 years ago

might as well stop listening to tchaikovsky cause we have computers now etc



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I like this song. Very uplifting.


might as well stop listening to tchaikovsky cause we have computers now etc


plz no. Tchaikovsky ftw. My fav. Even though I know you were being sarcastic. Still. Imagine what that man would've done with a computer. No screw that he did fine without. Anyway. Great track LUDD.


ps -

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