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the second track sounds exactly like an aphex remix on 26 melodies for cash. the sounds of the voices and melody.


doooooooooooooooooooooo, duhhh, duh. x N



i think it sounds liek the nine inch nails track

sounds like they sampled it and mangled into their own thing.

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hmm sounds pretty good sounds like some good music to get stoned and then feel like my consciousness is like a lizard or animal and then do jiu jitsu and sweep/submit fools allday



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lol Confield and Draft 7.30 aren't cold at all.

Yes, they are. Those albums are lifeless and mechanical. I ain't saying they are cold in a bad way, or as a low temperature.

i think confield is probably the most 'human' electronic music album i've ever heard.

Yea seriously. Those of you who think Confield is cold and mechanical, seriously fail at Autechre and music in general.


yeah, Confield is totally full of life...its probably the most organic sounding album fro autechre's newer albums, and I also think the melodies of Confield are very warm, look at Cfern or Pen Expers!

Maybe I'm listening to a different Autechre than you guys, Draft is great but listening to Confield is like going to the dentist. For drilling.


These snippets have activated my wang to "chubby" in anticipation of Qstice.

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I love Confield....but i'm suprised to hear people describe it as being "warm"......."warm" in what way? as opposed to "cold"? I can completely understand why someone would refer to Confield as cold......Cfern is up there with their darkest, creepiest tunes. Parhelic Triangle sounds like you are sitting in some cold industrial landscape in the middle of the night with a full moon staring down at you. If I were to think of "warm" Autechre tracks I'd probably say........Yulquen, Rae and maybe Pir. But to be honest i'd never really refer to them as "Warm".

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Guest Larry David

These tracks sound fuckin amasin even on poor quality mp3....the real deal on a good sound system is gonna be the highlight of my year..!!


Plus i got tickets for Manchester on 29 Feb!!!! What a week!! i live in glasgow now and am going back there to party for a few days with my electronic music chums....haven't 'chilled' for some months now.....


P.S All ae tracks have an element of warmth - that's what makes them ae....even the most mechanical (cipater, Draft) invoke a sense of life in a mechanical world....This is what i wrote in a draft review for Amazon


"Draft 7.30 is the soundtrack to the future. In a matrix style environment where the machines work in unison to generate sounds, borrowing subtle melodic hints from an inhabited human past, this is their time. It's a musical of how 1's zeros have come to dominate our lives, bringing order out of chaos."

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Guest themanmachine
no one here's the similarities of the aphex's nin track?

For Rale I can hear it a little bit in terms on of the chords and the general tone but besides that :undecided:

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hay guyz


I found a 192kbps version of the promo tracks here:




The sound quality isn't that much better (looking at my L/R peakmeters the source appears to be mono), though I thought the fanboy massiv would appreciate anyway.

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The sound quality isn't that much better ...

Actually this is a straight transcode of the tracks from the Wired MP3, so the sound quality is actually inferior, unfortunately. So you're better off with the MP3 of the show, or the edits posted here (no transcode involved).

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I listened to the first bit. Sounds cool, but I don't really think it is worth listening to at all. The quality is absolutely terrible and you can hardly hear it. 40 kbps I believe. *deletes file*


If you could either never listen to autechre again or only be able to listen to it at 40kbps, what would you choose?

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I listened to the first bit. Sounds cool, but I don't really think it is worth listening to at all. The quality is absolutely terrible and you can hardly hear it. 40 kbps I believe. *deletes file*


If you could either never listen to autechre again or only be able to listen to it at 40kbps, what would you choose?


Thats like asking what is worse; never eating filet mignon again, or only eating filet mignon that had been burnt to 1 cm thick after being burned for three hours and then dropped in boiling water.

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Guest Goum Le Chat
The MP3 of this week’s show has been taken down. This is due to Autechre objecting to the fact that the show featured three tracks from their forthcoming album Quaristice. To hear Gudrun Gut’s Winter Set guest mix click on the link above.
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