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Guest The Vidiot

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this is kind of beyond review. i'm still forming an opinion of it, but it probably contains beckett's best writing. also his most tedious work. which is saying something, since all of his prose is tedious.

Edited by remy marathe
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A fun, re-read of a book during my vacation. General science with a touch of humor :




should given to every student of science when they hit first year in secondary school

maybe because he's a travel writer - and this is a sort of travelogue - he explains stuff so well anyone could understand

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Guest HerculesCzar

Thanks to whoever recommended "White Noise" by Don Delillo. I'm about halfway through it right now and it's absolutely fantastic.

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last great book i read "with the old breed: at peleliu and okinawa" by eugene sledge (wwII)


just finishing "baseball between the numbers: why everything you know about the game is wrong"

awesome stat/geek book


looking for something conspiratorial next.



I've been looking for 'with the old breed' for a while after seeing a documentary which mentioned it. Is it worth the purchase?

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  • 2 months later...
Guest dese manz hatin

time to resurrect dis thread bredbins


my list of the last weeks would be:


Thukydides - History of the Peleponnesian War (very, very dry)

Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno - Dialectic of Reason

Patrick Süßkind - The Dove

J.P. Sartre - The Age of Reason

Fjodor Dostoyevski - The Brothers Karamazov

F. Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil

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Non-fiction : The Music of The Lord of the Rings Films: A Comprehensive Account of Howard Shore's Scores



Fiction : The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet: A Novel


Edited by Philip Glass
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Guest analogue wings



^ holy shit. i waited FIFTEEN YEARS for this book. i was worried that either ellroy's heart would no longer be in this type of novel and he'd phone in the last one, or that my own tastes would have deviated over such a long period of time. neither worry was in any way founded. this is esily the best of the Underground USA trilogy, and possibly his best novel. thats big talk for me as I consider White Jazz the best book ever written




biographies of larger than life nutbars never fail to entertain (can't wait for the decent michael jackson ones to come out). this one is tinged with a bit out disbelief and outrage as you realise there are still people out there literally worshipping this prick


also, gets you thinking that if the founders of other religions had lived recently enough to have well documented lives so a researcher could go to the record and contradict all their bs, there'd probably be a book like this about every one of them




another part 3 i've been hanging out for. not quite for fifteen years tho. if you're going to read some big dumb escapist space opera, dont just pick up the first book in the sale bin with a spaceship on it, go straight to the King of this shit.

Edited by analogue wings
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  • 1 month later...

metamorphoses and amores by ovid, human chain by seamus heaney, and an old favourite - crow by ted hughes.


Thanks to whoever recommended "White Noise" by Don Delillo. I'm about halfway through it right now and it's absolutely fantastic.


i stole a copy of this from a bar (no, really) a few months ago, but i couldn't really get into it. i don't have much time for novels these days, i'm mostly a poetry reader.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Thanks to whoever recommended "White Noise" by Don Delillo. I'm about halfway through it right now and it's absolutely fantastic.

Word, think I heard about tha in this thread, read it a few months ago. Brilliant.


Just did Herman Hesse's Siddhartha and now I'm trying to get into The Glass Bead Game/ Magister Ludi, very different and I'm not getting into it yet...

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Guest Franklin

im about 400 pages into "the history of the World" by J.M. Roberts. it's basically all about the political and religious formations of all the major civilizations to date. it's vacillates between super boring and totally awesome. great perspective on life the universe and everything.

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