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Guest boo

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I'm almost positive it isn't theo in those photos. Anyone who trolls this thread as often as he does can't possibly look like that.

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Guest analogue wings
in xxx 1020 k file. that red head? is that your wife? hot man....


i assumed his wife was the one he was kissing (last pic)


also he didnt mention his wife taking ecstacy at weddings

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Guest Franklin
in xxx 1020 k file. that red head? is that your wife? hot man....



seriously hot red head.


also, I can't believe that you could have lost/gained all that weight dude. that blows me away almost as much as the red head.

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this is one of two christmas trees


the other is at my moms, i hear my cat is excited about it, running around like nuts and shit, i wish i was there to see him


in xxx 1020 k file. that red head? is that your wife? hot man....



seriously hot red head.


also, I can't believe that you could have lost/gained all that weight dude. that blows me away almost as much as the red head.


Take a number line and on the left end, put 180 lbs. on it and on the right end, 426 lbs.

I've danced across that line for 12 years now. It's a fucking nightmare. When you watch these shows on like "The World's Fattest Man" and they always say, "I would gain all the weight back and then some," you want to say, "HOW?!" I know the simple answer is that you're eating too much and doing too little but Jesu Christo, the rollercoaster is astonishing and I'm desperately trying to avoid getting my guts stapled up to and eating baby food forever in order to maintain a decent weight. I sometimes don't expect to see 40.



my aunt is around 400 and so is her daughter... my aunt is getting her stomach stapled sometime soon. i hope it works for her.


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fuck it sucks to have such a battle with your weight. i can kind of relate cause i'm on pills and the made me gain 100 pounds but i'm down quite alot from then. it was alot of hard work though

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Guest analogue wings

i've gone from 50kg to 90kg in about 1 year - thanks to the wonders of modern medicine / lack thereof


cant be arsed converting to British Empire Still Owns Us units sorry

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Guest assegai
i've gone from 50kg to 90kg in about 1 year - thanks to the wonders of modern medicine / lack thereof


cant be arsed converting to British Empire Still Owns Us units sorry


110lbs --> 198lbs

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