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Iain C's "Listen to Nick Cave when you're drunk" thread

Guest Iain C

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Guest Weird Al

If you want to feel like some egotistical dreadful person and arouse your bad literature/bible analogy boner, then listen to nick cave when your drunk

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Guest Iain C
i recommend junkyard by the birthday party


also : mixing whiskey with coke is gay


unless its bad whiskey like teachers or something


It was Teachers. I don't like whiskey at all, my parents drink the stuff. I only drink it if it's the only booze in the house.

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  • 3 weeks later...

the drunker i get, the greater the urge to listen to early scott walker


as much as i like nick, no-one can hold a candle to 'girls of the streets' or 'amsterdam' or 'such a small love (such a little tear)' to roooooar along to. rrrrar

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Benedict Cumberbatch
Not his best religious-themed song by any means IMHO... The Boatman's Call is the perfect album for that sort of thing!


not drunk but listening to boatmans call now and not hearing anything as good as god is in the house. into my arms i knew already and liked but not as good. maybe i need to be drunker. or listen a few more time



cute cute in a stuuuuuuuupid ass way


it may be bad to say so but jackie is one of the greatest songs ever. have you ever sang it karoake? i want to. doubt they'd have it though

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