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Guest analogue wings
I've heard rumours that Bethesda is working on a patch that will let you continue the game after you've completed the main quest. It should have been that way from the beginning...


One of the DLCs is going to extend the main quest, and up the level cap.


Thank god! I felt like I had been raped by everyone at Bethesda when the end credits rolled across my tv.


Yeah, it was a pretty fikkin abrupt ending. I'm wondering if the DLC is stuff that was meant to be in the main release but wasnt ready.


The stuff that was just released or the extended main quest that you mentioned?


Maybe all of it. The Alaska thing would've been epic right in the middle of the main quest. It does kind of undermine the main game's satirical take on war and jingoism tho...


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We are working on some DLC stuff right now heh, should be cool. Not sure which DLC it's for....


What game company are you working for, lump?


Btw. that's an epic avatar, Analogue...

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so is the anchorage expansion worth the money? how long is it?


3-4-5 hours to finish the storyline according to a lot of people. Haven't tried it out yet, but I hear you get a lot of new stuff, so if you're a big fan of Fallout 3 then it's money well spent.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest analogue wings

Anyone played the second DLC? it looks better than the fisrt one...


3rd DLC soonish




oh, and


Fallout 4 announced...


Obsidian are coding it - that's the people who did Fallout 1 and 2, so the geeks will be happy

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Broken Steel, the third downloadable episode for the PC and Xbox 360 version of Fallout 3, will raise the game's level cap to 30 and remove the games ending on May 5, Bethesda announced this week.


Broken Steel will sell for 800 points and will include an entire new area outside of Fallout 3's wasteland based on Andrews Air Force Base. The new DLC will also include more weapons, enemies and perks, including one that can bring back your dog when he's killed.


Broken Steel is the third of the three downloadable episodes Bethesda has been talking about for Fallout 3. The new content kicks off at the end of the game, changing away the original title ends and extending it perpetually. Once Broken Steel is downloaded Fallout 3 has no ending, Hines said.


"Broken steel doesn't have an ending," he said. "There are no more endings, we got the message."


The game also slightly tweaks the moments leading up to the ending, adding the ability to send one of several of your companions to complete the final task of the game, instead of doing it yourself.


The new content starts about two weeks after the events of Fallout 3's main quest, opening up in the Capital Wasteland by Project Purity, which is now up and running.


"Broken Steel takes into account what you did in Fallout 3 and what the world is like now," Hines said.


In Broken Steel the battle between the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave still rages and you are tasked with discovering and helping to build a Tesla Canon, a new, more powerful weapon for the Brotherhood.


As with the original Fallout 3 storyline, there are also a number of side quests in Broken Steel, most of which have to do with escorting freshly processed clean water across the wasteland and protecting it from raiders.


"You can get a number of different quests from a scribe, which has nothing to do with the main story," Hines said. "It adds some free-form miscellaneous quests you can do in the game."


The main quest sends you to an old power plat to find the parts for the Tesla Canon.


The new area is packed with new enemies, including a super mutant overlord, a feral ghoul reaver and an Enclave hellfire trooper; new weapons, like the Tesla Canon and a projectile flame thrower; new achievements and even new perks. Hines only detailed one of the perks though, called Puppies! If you pick the Puppies! Perk when Dogmeat dies he gets reincarnated automatically as a puppy, which you can go to certain areas to add back to your group.


The new pack also raises the level cap from 20 to 30 and greatly increases the enemy difficulty level.


"Enemies are a lot tougher," Hines said. "You start seeing new enemies at level 18.


"Advancement from 20 to 30 takes a ton of experience points."


Completing the main quest in Broken Steel will also require a bit of puzzle solving, Hines said. After you've get all of the parts for the new weapon, you take it trough the Presidential Metro Line to pull off an attack on the Enclave base.


One you cear out the Presidential Metro Line you get to make your way to Adams Airforce Base where you will be given new orders, Hines said.


"Adams Air Force Base is a new world space," he said. "You sort of leave the Wastelands and go to Adams Air Force Base, it's a pretty big space."


Hines says that the main quest for Broken Steel is a bit longer than The Pitt downloadable content, coming in at about four to five hours of gameplay, and that it also adds a bunch of sidequests which each take 30 minutes to an hour to complete.


The side quests, he said, have you going all over the world and give you a chance to see how it's changed since the end of the original Fallout 3.


The one thing that Broken Steel won't beef up are the collectibles, Hines said.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest analogue wings

I got the Pitt but I got bored and played Mass Effect instead.


Broken Steel is out now. Anyone played it?


Two More DLCs are coming - "Point Lookout" and "Mothership Zeta"


Yeah so Mass Effect looks great and is fun. Could have used a bit more "RPG" and a bit less corny predictable plot. Oh and the "romance" sub plot - CRINGE. If you must have one of those, hire non virgins to write it plz. Fuk, you talk to two girls for 10 seconds each and they confront you asking you to "choose". WTF. Maybe they accidentally released it to retail with the secret "byches be crazy yo" mod enabled. Oh and one of the girls is your tank so you basically have to just pick whatever dialogue option makes her not leave/die.


What's the expansion like for Mass Effect?



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I have the first 2 DLC's, haven't finished The Pitt yet, but it's nice to see that Bethesda is continuing to support F3 and not just concentrating on F4

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Guest zaphod

i have heavily mixed feelings about fallout 3. on the one hand, it's probably the most immersive game world i've ever seen. on the other, once you start to look close, you realize that there isn't a lot to it. the details aren't there. it's a weird paradox, because the game's presentation gets you so involved, but playing for a long period i just don't feel the same amount of work went into this that went into the two other fallout games (the second is my favorite game ever).

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Oh and the "romance" sub plot - CRINGE. If you must have one of those, hire non virgins to write it plz. Fuk, you talk to two girls for 10 seconds each and they confront you asking you to "choose". WTF. Maybe they accidentally released it to retail with the secret "byches be crazy yo" mod enabled.


lol. I tried twice to get the masked geek chick to do it with me but couldn't. The only options I ever got were the blue chick and Bristol Palin.

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Guest analogue wings
Oh and the "romance" sub plot - CRINGE. If you must have one of those, hire non virgins to write it plz. Fuk, you talk to two girls for 10 seconds each and they confront you asking you to "choose". WTF. Maybe they accidentally released it to retail with the secret "byches be crazy yo" mod enabled.


lol. I tried twice to get the masked geek chick to do it with me but couldn't. The only options I ever got were the blue chick and Bristol Palin.


yeah i too was hoping there'd be an option for kinky alien cyborg action, but no.


the only one you really get a chance with is the annoying blue skank who throws herself at you.


the one who plays hard to get and is actually useful in actual gameplay and is therefore 10x more "attractive", as you say, turns out to be a chrizzo racist. lol


even though this was done way better in Baldur's Gate 2, it's still looking like a recurring theme that RPGs only let you hook up with the vulnerable, damaged-goods, low self esteem chick. game programmers should probably look beyond their own personal experiences a little more...



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i have heavily mixed feelings about fallout 3. on the one hand, it's probably the most immersive game world i've ever seen. on the other, once you start to look close, you realize that there isn't a lot to it. the details aren't there. it's a weird paradox, because the game's presentation gets you so involved, but playing for a long period i just don't feel the same amount of work went into this that went into the two other fallout games (the second is my favorite game ever).


I agree (though not about F2, I still think F1 was more condensed perfection). The simple answer is Bethesda doesn't have the same caliber of designer/writer as the original games (all due respect to Emil Pagliarulo for taking things as far as he did, though). Also I think they rushed the game to market (though all games tend to get rushed to market these days).


Basically, the requirements of next gen have put a huge strain on good storytelling. Which is funny; if someone said they were going to give me 20 million to make a game, the first thing I would do is plot out everything exceedingly carefully beforehand, down to every last line of dialogue, before spending a cent.

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Guest zaphod

yeah like i'd be in a building and get these clues for something and then it just wouldn't go anywhere. and the sub plots and sidequests just didn't go anywhere. the rewards weren't really there to keep me playing. i still play fallout 2 occasionally. i can't say the same for 3.

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I think they need to develop something for games like animatics/storyboards for films. I mean, I'm sure many places do something like this, but it should be standard practice. Why not make a simple text based version of the game (Zork styles) before adding graphics? I have no idea if they do this or not but it would seem to make a lot of sense.

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Guest zaphod

they have scripts though don't they? or like a treatment type of thing?


*knows next to nothing about game development*

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Guest analogue wings

yeah they have scripts.


i just think they dont realise how much script they need to make an "immersive world" - it's more writing than a novel and waaay more than a movie.


cynically, i think they just want to give the games enough immersion to impress reviewers and make you not want your money back. they could give two fucks if you're still "immersed" 3 months later when they already have your money.

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yeah I don't know, I know about asset creation and level design, but not much about how the designers do their work. My feeling is there are the geek designers (the guys who determine all the spreadsheet stuff about what sort of damage each weapon does, for example), and then the story designers, but I'm not sure how the story designers/writers plot things out.


I'm curious to know how Warren Spector and team did it for Deus Ex.

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