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Guest abusivegeorge

Just started this today on Xbox, played it for about 3 hours and have just got to the mission where I have to get the antenna for three dog. Fantastic game, am starting to get worried about the lack off ammo and aid though. I've mugged every monster of their hunter rifles and ammo and it's still getting difficult.

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Just started this today on Xbox, played it for about 3 hours and have just got to the mission where I have to get the antenna for three dog. Fantastic game, am starting to get worried about the lack off ammo and aid though. I've mugged every monster of their hunter rifles and ammo and it's still getting difficult.


I'm playing it on Very Easy because I see no point in wasting ammo. But the more level ups you get the bigger and more bad ass weapons you'll find - including ammo.

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i never had a problem with ammo and i'm playing on normal. maybe you guys should try to do more head shots in vats, because it usually takes less hits than hitting the body to kill the target.

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Guest catsonearth
just spend time exploring, i have so much loot its ridiculous


i can never hold onto loot long enough to get back to a store and sell it. usually have to drop it in order to carry the essentials.

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Completed this just now. Amazing game, probably my favourite game this year. Ending's a bit underwhelming but all these multiple ending games are really. It's not as long as I expected, I think you have to explore to get the most out of this. I had 78 hours playtime and missed three missions I think. Not bad, definitely will get a replay.

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Guest assegai
Completed this just now. Amazing game, probably my favourite game this year. Ending's a bit underwhelming but all these multiple ending games are really. It's not as long as I expected, I think you have to explore to get the most out of this. I had 78 hours playtime and missed three missions I think. Not bad, definitely will get a replay.



Wow, that's a lot of gaming.

My playtime for Dead Space is like 7 1/2 hrs and I thought I was playing it a lot.

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I just unleashed furious ghouls on some stuck-up snob 'town' and witnessed the lovely destruction of their fancy lives. I chose to make that happen. Amazing!

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Egads! You are correct. Christ knows.


I accessed it by hacking an invisible terminal (whilst under the influence of a Stealth Boy) in the power station near Minefield. Think the entrance was on the top level; a ladder drops down. I ploughed all of my points into Science, with Perception being my overruling ability. So maybe that's a prerequisite, dunno.


There's a small town there, repairers, clinic etc., and Old Captain Des is in the circular room guarded by a Ghoul called (I think) Rhisome. Think he's an android, I used the component that the bitch in Rivet City gave me, he won't talk to you unless you can supply him with it.


where is this hidden terminal exactly? i look all around the power station and i couldn't find it.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I'm starting it all over again I fucked myself way up accidentally shooting a girl and killing her in one shot back at Megaton, now I cant go back there or I get shot to pieces instantly plus I have fuck all ammo and health, I'm gonna start it again on very easy.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Yea thats what I was told but it doesn't seem to be working, I don't mind restarting anyway, like a tit I didn't start using the VATS system untill like just now as well, no wonder I have no ammo, I just disregarded it and didnt think it was important, and then I accidentally tapped RB and now it all makes sense.

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Guest thejacketloose
where is this hidden terminal exactly? i look all around the power station and i couldn't find it.


If memory serves it's in the on a set of shelves (the only terminal I've seen on one) between a toolbox and a steam gauge assembly.

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speech volume level pre Sticky's quest


speech volume level during Sticky's quest



awesome game.

devasting a supermutant's face while there are The Ink Spots in background= priceless


After Oblivion,i was quite scared about the use of the same game engine in this game too..but the results are quite good.

well Bethesda's folks learned a lot from the Oblivion moddage. they used a lot of graphics tricks in fallout3 to avoid shitty performances (e.g. low poly grass mod,AEVWD mod etc..)


anyway,best game of the year for me so far tied with Mass effect. i had a lot of fun playing it,finished it the other night.nearly 70 hours of gameplay,level 19,but i'll take one of the last savegames to continue solving other quests once i've finished dead space too.


yep, it's pretty much godlike. Once it gets patched and modded the way Oblivion was, it will probably be the best in the series (or at least tied with Fallout 1), and one of the best games of all time.


there were alot of useful mods in oblivion,but some of them totally killed the game. do you remember Qarl's retexture mod? all people drooling about the amazing new textures definition..but no one noticed that the vanilla textures were better optimized for the lighting effects (HDR etc). i always preferred the bomret's mod.


i beat it yesterday. i was disapointed they didn't go through and show you the outcome of all your choices like they did in fallout 2. i hadn't maxed out my character or even explored the whole map really, and i hadn't even touched energy weapons or big guns. it was kind of a surprise that it was allready over when i finished it.


what,did you finish it on level 2?? lol

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anyway,best game of the year for me so far tied with Mass effect. i had a lot of fun playing it,finished it the other night.nearly 70 hours of gameplay,level 19,but i'll take one of the last savegames to continue solving other quests once i've finished dead space too.


Christ, how did you go 70 hours and not get to level 20? I was level 20 for ages, felt like there wasn't enough levels.

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Guest catsonearth

yea, i don't know what you guys are talking about. i'm playing on the normal setting and it's fine. certain things are hard to kill (super mutant masters, yao guai, etc.), but not impossible. you just gotta think strategically and make sure your weapons are in good condition or else they wont be very strong or accurate. and yes, VATS is necessary. it's not right for every situation, but you can't really get through the game without it (well, maybe you can if you've got a lot of ammo).


another tip, when you're sneaking (ie, crouched), you can inflict much more damage on an enemy who hasn't spotted you yet. it's best to approach every situation cautiously and pull off a sneak attack using your hunting rifle or other long range weapons, especially for unusually tough baddies. if you can do this, you'll knock out most of their life with one shot with plenty of time to pick them off before they can get close enough to really tear you up.


and sometimes the only answer is a shotgun blast to the head.


or bottlenecking them in a hallway with some frag mines.


variety...it's the spice of life!

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