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is 'the crunch' affecting you


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i'm going to be in school for as long as possible so i don't have to work.



as long as you are comfortable being poor the rest of your life, sounds like a fine plan.




at least thats what everyone tells me when i say the same thing.

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I haven't been getting enough studio business this year, so I've become a painter. It's turned me from a hyper-productive slacker who gets up at noon and goes to bed at 6am into a manual laborer who wakes up at the crack of dawn and achieves fuck all, for a third of the pay. Damn, it kind of hurts writing it out like that. Last night I went to bed at 7pm for a nap, woke up today at precisely the time my alarm clock would ordinarily wake me on a week day. I'm totally fucked. I do believe I will spend my Saturday making as much music as possible, because for the rest of the week I will be a useless worker drone who is barely alive, yet still feels every ache throughout his body. On the upside, I may finally be gaining some muscle mass. :facepalm:


*edit: I don't actually think this has anything to do with the crunch, and am surprised it didn't happen sooner. I feel like the last four years have been kind of a fluke for my business since i am a terrible business person. But yeah, I don't think this has anything to do with the economy.

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yes. unemployed. living in a desert during summer does not help, a lot of local businesses just close down entirely this time of year. situation is getting pretty dismal.


anybody want to hire me?




edit - being in school and not working is the most fun and creatively productive thing you can do. but yeah, you'll end up poor and your life will suck. i'm living the proof as we speak.

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