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Making bacon properly

Guest my usernames always really suck

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Guest my usernames always really suck

It's like there's a SPLIT NANOSECOND difference between undercooked and overcooked bacon. Like if I take it off the pan just before it would be overcooked, it's still undercooked. And if I let it thoroughly cook, it's already overcooked.


Next time I make carbonara or a BLT sandwich I want fucking awesome perfect bacon that's done just-right.


Any suggestions?

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Guest telikan

400 degree oven on a rack over a drip pan. No flipping necessary, so it cooks evenly throughout. I feel like there's also a greater buffer zone between doneness levels once you take it out.

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someone asked me this the other day (saying that i always cook it correctly), so i went and cooked a slice of bacon and let them watch


seemed the problem was they weren't getting the pan as hot, but were then cooking the bacon for longer

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someone asked me this the other day (saying that i always cook it correctly), so i went and cooked a slice of bacon and let them watch


seemed the problem was they weren't getting the pan as hot, but were then cooking the bacon for longer


it's all about the temperature.

also not all bacon is created equal.

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i usually pour a small amount of beer (sometimes water if I dont have beer) on the pan before i heat it up. Turn the stove to medium setting and lay 'em out with a wee bit of salt. I like my bacon a bit flappy but with some crunch factor.

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Guest thanksomuch

the best way i have found to make THE perfect bacon is to take a cookie sheet, cover it with tin foil and lay each piece of bacon flat in a row. then bake it in a convection oven at 350 degrees untill desired doness. once your bacon is cooked to your liking grab one corner and tip the cookie sheet so the oil runs off inot the trash. perfect flat evenly cooked bacon, unless your oven sucks.


when i used to work in hotels, we'd have those retards that liked BURNT CRUNCHY SHITTY bacon, and they's send their bacon back cuz they wanted it cooked more. we'd drop thst shit in the fryer, yo!




best salad dressing ever is made with bacon grease, whole grain mustard, capers and a touch of vinegar. mix it well on low heat then pour over spinach. soooo good.

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posters mentioning baking the bacon know whats up. I always pan fry because it's easy, but that fine line between rubbery fat and shriveled over-crispiness is really easy to trip over when pan frying.

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Guest Drahken

Im a lazy cook, and honestly I find baking in a oven a heck of a lot easier than messing around with a pan. With a pan you gotta deal with all that bacon grease, but in the oven you can just toss the tin foil and save some hassle. Perhaps the greatest advantage though is that you can cook a lot more bacon at once in an oven than on the stove.

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