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I failed quitting smoking.

Guest countchocula

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Guest countchocula

Last Friday I was given some antibiotics for a really bad case of bronchitis. That night I had a fever of 103.6 F, aches throughout my body, and was coughing all sorts of phlegm up. Thanks to the antibiotics and Tylenol the fever is gone and all the others symptoms eased up.


I decided to quit smoking at the doctors office when I got the pills but lit up a couple of seconds ago because I could not take the nicotine withdrawals in conjuction with bronchitis and being couped up in my room.


This sucks because now i am back to square one. I might just continue to smoke 1 or 2 cigs a day until the bronchitis clears up so i don't have to deal with withdrawal and disease at the same time.

Do you think smoking one or two a day will prolong my recovery much?

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Guest Dirty Protest

I decided to give up drinking on Saturday after I was shitting blood. I'll keep drinking if you keep smoking.

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Guest countchocula

I have decided to quit for good right now. When I smoked that cigarette I realized just how bad they taste. When you smoke everyday your taste and smell are destroyed, but stop and give them time to come back and you realize just how foul these things are. Also to xxx i plan on using gum, nicotine gum or nothing at all.

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I got bored with smoking and quit, I never saw the point in the patches or anything. It's not hard to stop smoking, just don't do it.

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Guest ezkerraldean

apparently if you immerse your arm in a barrel of pure nicotine it will kill you within ten seconds.


I got bored with smoking and quit, I never saw the point in the patches or anything. It's not hard to stop smoking, just don't do it.
guess you weren't hooked then


some people genuinely become properly dependent on it.

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Guest DaveMike
I decided to give up drinking on Saturday after I was shitting blood. I'll keep drinking if you keep smoking.



i need to do the same,, but i dont think i would shit blood,,,,, but on the other side i dont know what i would do with my self.

in the last month i have had some night where i dont rememeber how i got home or what i did in the end of the night.


this is not normal for me,, and i do drink a far bit.


what do you kids think?


er wait fuck oyu

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Guest Dirty Protest

I was drinking this evil brew, Wray and Nephew. Was my birthday Friday and I feel like I added a year to my body. My problem is I really like drinking and smoking and tend to do everything in excess and all my close friends understand pushing it way past healthy.

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Guest ezkerraldean
I was drinking this evil brew, Wray and Nephew. Was my birthday Friday and I feel like I added a year to my body. My problem is I really like drinking and smoking and tend to do everything in excess and all my close friends understand pushing it way past healthy.

man i hate that shit


good for molotovs though

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Guest DaveMike
I was drinking this evil brew, Wray and Nephew. Was my birthday Friday and I feel like I added a year to my body. My problem is I really like drinking and smoking and tend to do everything in excess and all my close friends understand pushing it way past healthy.



i think my friends are about to have a intervention for me , which would not suprise me, but on the other had they drink and smoke too.

and i quit smoking weed cause of my job, which is why i drink like i do, but fuck if it has'nt got out of hand.


god damn life is funny

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It's remarkable to me when you think about "The Greatest Generation" which would've been my grandparents; people born from around 1915-1930's. My grandmother and grandfather just completely quit cigarettes altogether in the 1970's when doctors finally got around to telling people about the whole death thing associated with tobacco. My wife's grandmother, great grandmother, and grandfather all did too around the same time. There was never such a thing as patches, gums, SSRI's, and all the other gear available today. I wonder if successful quitting rates have truly improved over past years or are those aids just prolonging the inevitable final farewell you must give to 'baccer?


I think you're half right but you gotta take into account the initial shock factor this information would have had too. If nobody knew the dangers and all of a sudden they're told then it's considerably more scary than when you're constantly told again and again something that's been common knowledge for years, but you still see people doing it every day with little or no visible evidence of the promised consequences.


edit: just to clarify, i mean visible evidence of the person you see walking down the street having a smoke or your friends at the pub, not the gross out government warnings on fag packets or tv ads

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Guest Iain C

Why bother? Instead of quitting smoking, why not try a new brand? Lately I've really been enjoying red Dunhills, because they come with a little resealable foil pouch inside the pack so your cigarettes stay fresh. It's such a brilliant idea.

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Guest Sir Winston

I keep trying to quit smoking and I can last 2 weeks but after that I just get a horrible urge. I know it is all in my head but when I have had a couple of drinks I just cant help it. Living with smokers probably doesnt help but can't make excuses.

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me too, longest i've gone is 4 months, then i got drunk and said "FUCK IT GIVE ME A CIG ROB"


then i wake up and need more, so i go out and buy some


then i crysmokewank all night.

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Guest Mr Salads

I once got acute bronchitis bc I was smoking while sick. Not a good idea. PS didnt really read the thread

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Guest abusivegeorge










































only kidding

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i can stop for a while at a time, but then i just end up starting again. like it was said, living with smokers probably makes it worse, so after a month or two i'll get drunk and bum a smoke. usually stopping is easy, i run out of cigarrettes and just don't buy more.

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