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It is now 3:00 pm. I have been at work since 10:00 am.


I have also been watmming since approx 10:15 am. I took an hour break at 12:00 pm (paid lunch break).


No work has been accomplished.


Mission, however, accomplished.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Your not hardcore yet, start averaging 100 posts per day, and you'll get some sort of experience as to what real hardcore watmming at work is like, and not getting any work done is a bonus, your learning.

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i nearly got fired after two weeks at my current job for wattming constantly (i've been there more than 2 years now). watmm has been blocked at work since then. so i just watmm from my phone instead.

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Guest abusivegeorge
Abusivegeorge has eclipsed my post count to a point where I have no intention of attempting to catch up.


This was not my desired affect, I would hope we would post simultaneously in harmony together, post by post, side by side, I love you.

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The weather finally breached the 50 degree (F) mark here, so I've been spending most of my days outside. I'm afraid I shan't be breaching the daily top 20 here again until...November.


*checks top 20*


Nevermind. I guess there's only 20 regulars here.

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Guest tv_party
does every single watummer work in a crappy office or something?


Nope I'm on a 2345 ft. skyscraper right now wattmming while I rivet in some girders.

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Guest inteeliguntdesign
i'm on/by a computer at work too but i'm way too aware of NSFW stuff coming up and i don't actually just want to dick around all day either... i do often read long articles on wikipedia or whatever while doing manual stuff. i mean, if my boss comes up to me and i've got something on gamelan or dog breeds on the screen behind me it's just text and innocuous looking. as opposed to looking like i'm not working.


actually there's a word filter thing (that you can byspass) but it comes up and warns you if it things there's something up with the page and you have to click past it if it's OK. i was reading the latest releases at aquarius records and got "this page has 48 counts of 'fucking', 29 counts of 'cocksucker', 900 counts of 'incest' are you sure you want to read it?" - they certainly don't use terms like that in the reviews on boomkat... utterly brilliant stuff!


lol. i hope there's a button on that page that reads, "You're damn right I do!"

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Guest ezkerraldean
does every single watummer work in a crappy office or something?


Nope I'm on a 2345 ft. skyscraper right now wattmming while I rivet in some girders.


i like your style

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I have the best WATMMing job ever. I work at a call center for futureshop and bestbuy. I take calls all day pertaining to orders, lost shipments, store complaints, product allocation, etc.


The only thing is its dead ALOT of the time. Our tech guys are complete retards as there are problems that were hot-ticketed about 2 months ago that still have not been fixed. I spend most of my day on WATMM, wikipedia, somethingawful, wired, and 1up.


I can spend all day posting, so long as the couple of stickler managers arent at work/walking in my row. I started going on a drug board called the shroomery too, which is funny because if I ever got caught on there I would be canned in a second but months have gone by with no problem.

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I can spend all day posting, so long as the couple of stickler managers arent at work/walking in my row. I started going on a drug board called the shroomery too, which is funny because if I ever got caught on there I would be canned in a second but months have gone by with no problem.


i'm taking odds on thehauntingsoul getting fired for this before the year is out

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