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Ever get sick of being sick?

Guest abusivegeorge

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Guest abusivegeorge

Does anyone else ever get sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time? For me as a recovering addict with stage 4 liver disease, I am constantly ill, whether it be physically sick, or just having a complete mental obsession with something, because the mind is no longer fixating on alcohol. I am fed up with being tired all the time, and feel unable to give anything back to society, having taken so much, I just want a normal life.


I've put this thread out there because I don't believe this applies to just people with life-long illnesses I know that stress through work can cause the same thing and have the same affect on running a helathy lifestyle, not just work but perhaps kids as well?


This is a serious thread guys and sorry for my trolling recently.

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Guest Rabid
Does anyone else ever get sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time?

Yes, it sucks. I sleep only a few hours a day and thus have no immune system to speak of.


This is a serious thread guys and sorry for my trolling recently.

I forgive you on behalf of wattm.

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i can relate with you on a lot of what you say. i must adimit i dont know what it is like to have liver disease. i 'm quite lucky really concidering how much i drink and how much i have drank in the past. i find it pretty hard to do anything most days. and i always feel tired. i felt that i should give a response to this thread even though i really dont feel like talking about this right now. i'm very moody and particular about the times that i want to complain about how shit my life is.

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Guest abusivegeorge
i find it pretty hard to do anything most days. and i always feel tired. i felt that i should give a response to this thread even though i really dont feel like talking about this right now. i'm very moody and particular about the times that i want to complain about how shit my life is.


This is exactly how I feel mate, and it feels like its never going to get better. With regards to the liver it has a knock on affect to the rest of the body, and how the bodies natural chemicals are produced, thus I get a constant feeling of drowsiness, because nothing works properly, and then like you say, I get moody and don't feel like talking, even though thats probably what I should do.

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Guest abusivegeorge
Does anyone else ever get sick and tired of being sick and tired all the time?

Yes, it sucks. I sleep only a few hours a day and thus have no immune system to speak of.



Same here, I used to rely on the alcohol to put me to sleep, because I never used to sleep more than a few hours a night and when I found consumption of booze could knock me out for the night, I relied on it, now that I'm off it again, I'm back to just a few hours a night, and I feel dirty, if that makes sense?

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that was used on a stop smoking campaign


"ever feel sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?" is precisely what it was, i think


but it would be better suited to stop drinking campaigns. because i didn't feel sick and tired when i only smoked and didn't drink at all. coffee also makes me feel more sick than smoking does.


edit: but i think i have some kind of weird made for smoking gene, so nevermind, i know smoking makes a lot of people feel sick

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Guest catsonearth

have you tried working out at all? i know it sounds counter intuitive, like "dude, i'm feeling tired as fuck, why would i wear myself out even more?", but it actually helps me with that sluggish feeling that i get when i'm kinda depressed and not really wanting to do anything. i used to be the kind of person that would laugh at people who went to the gym and i honestly never even stepped foot into a gym until a few months ago when my office moved to a building with a gym right downstairs that offered us a sick discount. i joined and have been trying to go at least twice a week during my lunch break. so far i feel a lot better physically and mentally...and i feel like i have a lot more energy.

i'm not overweight or anything like that, so it's not really about that - i've just been feeling super lazy for the last few years, getting torn down by life and the day to day grind. part of the reason i bit the bullet and joined the gym was because i felt like i really needed discipline to condition myself to follow through with things even when they're hard, strenuous, inconvenient and sometimes unpleasant without someone telling me i have to do it, instead just doing it for myself. seems like it would be a really good thing, especially if you're someone whose in recovery and trying to form positive habits and all that jazz. it's not always what you want to do and sometimes you'll feel like putting it off, but that's part of the conditioning, that you still follow through and just do it, even when you're not feeling it and in the end you feel better that you did it. i don't know if having liver disease prevents you from working out in any way, but if not, i'd recommend giving it a try if you aren't already. load up an mp3 player with some good music or my personal fav, an audiobook, and just hit the gym for a good 40-50 mins 2 or 3 times a week. might help pep you up a bit. and then you'll be all sexy and ripped and then you'll get all the chicks and shit. win/win.

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Guest abusivegeorge

Thats actually a really good reply, I'm quite a strong armed man anyway, but its the whole process of something positive to do, something to give me motivation. I'm actually going to do this, thanks catsonearth.

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Guest abusivegeorge

This certainly seems to be the best advice I have had in a long time, like has been said though I hope I'm not too tired to actually do it.

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"By use of the language of sorrow I had for the time being obliterated my sorrow - so powerful is the charm of words, which for us reduces to manageable entities all the passions that would otherwise madden and destroy us." - Gene Wolfe


talking helps me, and yea exercise

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Guest abusivegeorge

Yeah I've just realised I was going overboard on the caffeine and started to cut it down, had a few this weekend, but none today and none a couple of days before that.

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How much do you usually drink? It's definitely something you want to keep in moderation, but I generally don't drink it unless someone offers it. I think I've already lost a couple pounds from no booze.

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I didn't know coffee effected your liver so bad. Do you like green tea? It has about a third the caffeine and still tastes good. Not so robust, though...

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I drink a couple cups of it every morning. The antioxidants are very good for you, and they also speed up your metabolism.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I think I definetly need to start drinking it in the morning, purely because I have no metabolism really, none of my chemical faculties function properly due to my liver having a knock on effect on every other organ in the body, including the heart.

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an hero.















Stay active. Keep busy. Set a goal for yourself (something attainable). Give yourself something to look forward to. Buy a bicycle. Start a new hobby. Do something (anything). Don't idle, don't dwell on boredom. Mental stress can be just as painful as physical stress. If you're tired often, give yourself a reason to be tired by being more active. Remove negetive influences in your life. Be thankful for positive influences. Explore. Read. Be more social. Go for a walk.

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Guest sysex
have you tried working out at all? i know it sounds counter intuitive, like "dude, i'm feeling tired as fuck, why would i wear myself out even more?", but it actually helps me with that sluggish feeling that i get when i'm kinda depressed and not really wanting to do anything. i used to be the kind of person that would laugh at people who went to the gym and i honestly never even stepped foot into a gym until a few months ago when my office moved to a building with a gym right downstairs that offered us a sick discount. i joined and have been trying to go at least twice a week during my lunch break. so far i feel a lot better physically and mentally...and i feel like i have a lot more energy.

i'm not overweight or anything like that, so it's not really about that - i've just been feeling super lazy for the last few years, getting torn down by life and the day to day grind. part of the reason i bit the bullet and joined the gym was because i felt like i really needed discipline to condition myself to follow through with things even when they're hard, strenuous, inconvenient and sometimes unpleasant without someone telling me i have to do it, instead just doing it for myself. seems like it would be a really good thing, especially if you're someone whose in recovery and trying to form positive habits and all that jazz. it's not always what you want to do and sometimes you'll feel like putting it off, but that's part of the conditioning, that you still follow through and just do it, even when you're not feeling it and in the end you feel better that you did it. i don't know if having liver disease prevents you from working out in any way, but if not, i'd recommend giving it a try if you aren't already. load up an mp3 player with some good music or my personal fav, an audiobook, and just hit the gym for a good 40-50 mins 2 or 3 times a week. might help pep you up a bit. and then you'll be all sexy and ripped and then you'll get all the chicks and shit. win/win.





after consistent use/abuse the mind and body become dependent on those chemicals, especially when it comes to sleeping. i think if you take most any kind of sleep aid or depressant or sedative, beit over-the-counter, or weed, h, alch, etc... for a couple weeks +, you'll have a difficult time sleeping after you stop.


usually when i've gone through a case of withdrawals or am going through a detox, i feel like utter crap, lazy, grimy/dirty, restless yet exhausted... sometimes a shower helps for about 20 minutes.


but what i've found helps the most is to do what was said above and work in some gym time or pick up some physical activity. i know the longer i sit around not doing anything to worse i start to feel and many times i've been convinced that i'd never feel "better" than how i've felt since all the years of rip'n n runnin. it's like i have to work 10x's as hard to get my mind and body back to where it was and mostly i feel its a losing battle... so i deal the best i can and try keep my mind and body as active as i can...


i had an uncle who passed away recently as a result of alcoholism, his liver was more than 50% scarred when he finally became sober... for 5 years he didn't have a drink and managed to do okay mentally and physically for a few years up until his relapse... where 1 month of binge drinking after 5 years of sobriety put him into a coma for 3 weeks and finally death set in.


i've been off the h for 10 years now and still feel plagued by what its done to my mind and body... so yeh, even after cleaning up, i still get sick and tired of being sick and tired...


anyway...prolly t.m.i.

...grain of salt.

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