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Starting your own music label...


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This morning I realized that if I could run a music label for the rest of my life, I would be a very happy person.


I was thinking that now with the ability to do MP3 releases (though I would want LP releases as well) it probably wouldn't be that costly to try and get one going over the course of a year or two... anyone have any info on this subject?

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i think it's a good idea. there's definitely a glut in the market for small record labels.


very funny... the only thing that makes me think twice about it is Mike P's current living/work situation... in interviews it sounds like running a label is basically a lot of emailing, and sitting on your ass by yourself, lonely all day.


though, I do that quite often now... so I really don't think it would bother me too much.


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Actually, the majority of your time will be spent marketing and networking, buying ad space, and doing promotional work for the artists on your label - very little time will be spent actually "selling" anything, as a decent website and shopping cart would/should do this for you. Promoting your label will be the hardest, and least rewarding work, and is the primary reason most people don't start their own labels.

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It's a lot of time, money, and effort. Mike Paradinas can sit back and do shit through emails because he's been in the business for like twenty years. He's done his fair share of the legwork it takes to have a successful label. Sublight was fairly successful and still didn't survive. Keep in mind you need a lot more than good music to be successful.

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Actually, the majority of your time will be spent marketing and networking, buying ad space, and doing promotional work for the artists on your label - very little time will be spent actually "selling" anything, as a decent website and shopping cart would/should do this for you. Promoting your label will be the hardest, and least rewarding work, and is the primary reason most people don't start their own labels.


Well this is how I was planning on getting it going.


First I am going to spend the next couple years working with video art, music videos, films, etc... while at school. Then through the exposure of those projects, I'll hopefully get a decent amount of attention from independent artists... (this has already happened with a few videos I have made... so hopefully it will continue)... I will make some deals with the artists I find most appealing, in which they would start to work on new material for a music video, that I and some others would create... I could also use their music in short films etc... essentially increasing exposure for both of us...


Then through the attention both garnered in the film industry and the music industry, I should be able to get some decent networking and promotion going for the artists that I sign on. From there, we can launch more music/projects.


Whether this all will come to life depends on money/time... its simply a dream that I would love to come true..




I have some connects too in Pitchfork and few other places, so that could help as well.


Also the label would probably be a mix of "Kranky" and electronic artists... would be located in the US... how many successful electronic labels are in the US btw? I feel like there is a huge potential market of electronic musicians here in the states... just no label yet to release their shit.

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