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Guest Ryan

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Guest Yegg
I thought the cops were being perfectly civil to the gross hippie before they tazed him. On one hand they eventually used over-excessive force, but on the other hand, that jackass was asking for a reality check.


I'm not even 24 and I'm already entering my middle-aged conservative phase. But living with hippies will do that to you.


reality check -- yeah, ok.


tazing is dead.




Reality check because hippies talk a lot of game these days but don't understand how little agency they possess until they're tazed by a concrete manifestation of "the man."

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what do you mean?


There's always violence and such happening at large events like that.


Woodstock has a history of violence, such as the Hells Angels attacking a lot of people. Then there's the 93 wood stock where everything burned down.


I mean the original woodstock was full of naked people. Women were giving birth. Altamont was negative but the hell's angels are not the cops. They shouldn't have been

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Guest boo
looks like his clothes were actually a lot more visually offensive than his naked body + nubbin

yea i didn't realise it's a wizard costume

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Possibly, but decent cops exist and I'd like to give these guys the benefit of the doubt because the hippie is so repulsive.


Anyway, it's funny to hear the crowd disgrace the phrase, "the whole world is watching."

this and everything else yegg said in this thread;

nooooo sympathy for the guy whatsoever.

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Guest fiznuthian

are you guys seriously this fucked up or is this the internet talking again?

tazing a guy for being naked? jesus fucking christ people


so he took a bunch of mdma hoping to have a fun time, almost 100% likely not intending to go bare and bold, but he ends up doing it anyways because he's rolling hard, and hey it's a music show all about going wild (expected even) and 3 cops taze and knee drop the guy because they're too homophobic to just grab him strongly and put him in handcuffs.. fucking WOW


it's not like he was being violent or harming anyone

so he's slightly repulsive, yeah well so are many people you meet daily

and although they're not nude you turn your head anyways

then feel slightly guilty for not even looking at the ugly person you walked near

fully knowing they really can't help it at all


shame on all of you, really

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you could be polish and in vancouver, lost in the airport for over 12 hours, confused, asking for help, and then get tazed by 4 cops only to end up knee dropped and dead, just trying to meet your mom who was 80 feet away from you the whole fucking time.

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Guest Yegg

When you are in public of your own volition, you have to yield to certain social guidelines, sure the standards are totally arbitrary, but you'd have to battle them on different grounds.

You can't just reductively say, "HE WAS TAZED BECAUSE HE WAS NEKKID." It's not like it was impossible for him to put on his clothes, he made a decision, a stupid one, and he was reprimanded albeit really harshly.

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Guest zaphod

honestly people who think this is some kind of police state really need to travel more. i've been to places where you absolutely cannot do anything approaching this and just walk away from it. here the guy gets tazed. so fucking what. cops in the us are hardly fascists. and yeah, sure, it was overkill to taze him like fifteen times, or whatever. but then the crowd did nothing, and a lot of the comments made me roll my eyes.

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Guest my usernames always really suck
decent cops exist



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Guest fiznuthian

yeah because some piece of shit policemen around the world outside the US tazing people and doing worse for less somehow justifies tazing a non-violent naked guy.. yeah worse happens, doesn't make it right.

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Guest fiznuthian
When you are in public of your own volition, you have to yield to certain social guidelines, sure the standards are totally arbitrary, but you'd have to battle them on different grounds.

You can't just reductively say, "HE WAS TAZED BECAUSE HE WAS NEKKID." It's not like it was impossible for him to put on his clothes, he made a decision, a stupid one, and he was reprimanded albeit really harshly.


but he was tazered because has naked. he was breaking a petty law, a far cry from distributing meth/crack, assaulting someone, or the more relevant to the scenario: threatening a cop.


and clearly he was unable to put his clothes back on

evidence: after the first tazing he drops to the ground screaming something along the lines of "this is the most beautiful thing ever!".

his entire nervous system just jolted and that's his response? clearly the man is on a strong psychoactive drug and any dumbass would have came to that conclusion.


a more proper police response? utilize the three brutes on hand to HOLD AND HANDCUFF, then forcibly escort him elsewhere.


how in the fuck do you seriously think repeated tazering and a KNEE DROP was necessary?

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Guest Yegg
When you are in public of your own volition, you have to yield to certain social guidelines, sure the standards are totally arbitrary, but you'd have to battle them on different grounds.

You can't just reductively say, "HE WAS TAZED BECAUSE HE WAS NEKKID." It's not like it was impossible for him to put on his clothes, he made a decision, a stupid one, and he was reprimanded albeit really harshly.


but he was tazered because has naked. he was breaking a petty law, a far cry from distributing meth/crack, assaulting someone, or the more relevant to the scenario: threatening a cop.


and clearly he was unable to put his clothes back on

evidence: after the first tazing he drops to the ground screaming something along the lines of "this is the most beautiful thing ever!".

his entire nervous system just jolted and that's his response? clearly the man is on a strong psychoactive drug and any dumbass would have came to that conclusion.


a more proper police response? utilize the three brutes on hand to HOLD AND HANDCUFF, then forcibly escort him elsewhere.


how in the fuck do you seriously think repeated tazering and a KNEE DROP was necessary?


He was tazed for resisting arrest.


If he was able to undress himself and then cast away his clothes twice, he would be able to put them back on.

His decision to take an illegal psychoactive drug at a concert was an irresponsible gamble, which he lost.


Have you really read my posts or are you just over-zealously lashing out?

I disapprove of how harshly they eventually treated him, the knee drop was totally unnecessary. But as you can see even after fifteen tazes, they still couldn't cuff him and haul him off, so it's easier said then done.


It's clear you think outright stupidity should go unpunished, but I disagree is all.


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Guest fiznuthian
some could qualify his behavior as violent


okay lets see


- his pleasure center in his brain is being bombarded

- he's naked

- he's nothing all that impressive naked, thus making him less relevant to anyone watching

- he's trying to get attention from the crowd

- he's yelling banter about things being beautiful, and how wonderful the world is

- he's completely unarmed and stumbling around


am i just not seeing something here?

is it a CHRISTIAN thing to find naked people an abomination?



and yeah, i'll go ahead and reiterate what i said earlier about replacing the hairy wizard guy with an attractive female, rephrasing it to make more sense to watmm:


what if instead of a hairy happy naked wizard guy it was actually yegg getting tazed for being sublimely happy on E and stripping down?

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Guest aron

i dont see how he was disturbing anyone at all at the begining.

yes, he was resisting arrest.. yes, he was on drugs, but that's no good excuse.

what the fuck was he doing in the first place? just hanging out naked and enjoying some vibez (which maybe was kinda.. odd? stupid??)

but definitely shouldnt have been tased in the fucking throat and knee dropped.

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Guest fiznuthian
When you are in public of your own volition, you have to yield to certain social guidelines, sure the standards are totally arbitrary, but you'd have to battle them on different grounds.

You can't just reductively say, "HE WAS TAZED BECAUSE HE WAS NEKKID." It's not like it was impossible for him to put on his clothes, he made a decision, a stupid one, and he was reprimanded albeit really harshly.


but he was tazered because has naked. he was breaking a petty law, a far cry from distributing meth/crack, assaulting someone, or the more relevant to the scenario: threatening a cop.


and clearly he was unable to put his clothes back on

evidence: after the first tazing he drops to the ground screaming something along the lines of "this is the most beautiful thing ever!".

his entire nervous system just jolted and that's his response? clearly the man is on a strong psychoactive drug and any dumbass would have came to that conclusion.


a more proper police response? utilize the three brutes on hand to HOLD AND HANDCUFF, then forcibly escort him elsewhere.


how in the fuck do you seriously think repeated tazering and a KNEE DROP was necessary?


He was tazed for resisting arrest.


If he was able to undress himself and then cast away his clothes twice, he would be able to put them back on.

His decision to take an illegal psychoactive drug at a concert was an irresponsible gamble, which he lost.


Have you really read my posts or are you just over-zealously lashing out?

I disapprove of how harshly they eventually treated him, the knee drop was totally unnecessary. But as you can see even after fifteen tazes, they still couldn't cuff him and haul him off, so it's easier said then done.


It's clear you think outright stupidity should go unpunished, but I disagree is all.




i have read your posts and i think your reaction to naked happy people is barbaric and weird.

the problem isn't with the fact that he was resisting arrest, the problem is that three stout looking cops were too afraid to get near an unarmed naked man to grab him together and cuff the guy.


ever watch cops? police officers tend to not have a problem holding down and cuffing the fuck out of all kinds of people, even people completely strung out on drugs. and i don't have a problem with the fact that he was being punished for breaking the law (even though i just so happen to be the type who disregards public nudity, it's the human body after all and we are all the same). by all means he deserved to be arrested if he was breaking the law, but to see a thread chock full of people clamoring "he got what he deserved" after watching a video of cops inflicting massive body pain on a harmless naked guy... well that just disturbs me even more

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im glad its on youtube and can be discussed, at least. yes, i think its ridiculous that someone should have pain inflicted upon them for not wearing any clothes.



i'd let you dictate me, anyday, fiznuthian

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Guest Yegg
i have read your posts and i think your reaction to naked happy people is barbaric and weird.

the problem isn't with the fact that he was resisting arrest, the problem is that three stout looking cops were too afraid to get near an unarmed naked man to grab him together and cuff the guy.


ever watch cops? police officers tend to not have a problem holding down and cuffing the fuck out of all kinds of people, even people completely strung out on drugs. and i don't have a problem with the fact that he was being punished for breaking the law (even though i just so happen to be the type who disregards public nudity, it's the human body after all and we are all the same). by all means he deserved to be arrested if he was breaking the law, but to see a thread chock full of people clamoring "he got what he deserved" after watching a video of cops inflicting massive body pain on a harmless naked guy... well that just disturbs me even more


Barbaric? That's a lol, it's pretty obvious you're the one who can't seem to wrap their head around simple social conduct and boundaries.


Public indecency is breaking the law, yes it's a Puritanical remnant or whatever but you said it yourself, "by all means he deserved to be arrested if he was breaking the law." Also, taking ILLEGAL drugs is also breaking the law.


Yeah yeah, youtube can be soo cruel.

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