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The Coolest Movie Killings Ever


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I'm watching Friday the 13th Part IV right now, and all the killings so far have been worth every second. The actors are absolutely horrible and this makes it even better. The girl getting killed in the row (1:15) boat takes the prize.

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Guest Adjective

The Omen films had some weird deaths too, related to cast and crew even. on the dvd richard donner lists all the weird crap that happened during filming


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Guest analogue wings


The best part about this scene is it happens 10 minutes into the movie. It's like Sam just went "fuck this movie. I'm outta here"

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

haha the punisher warzone rocket launcher to the parkour kids was so lol when it pops in the movie

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Guest tv_party

one of my favorites is from the original assault on precinct 13 where this guy gets shot but reacts noticeably too late.

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