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windows 7

Guest sala

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The demo video looks like a flashier vista. If it's one thing that I absolutely need, it's graphic intensive transitions between program windows.


It's tons faster/more efficient than Vista. "Graphics intensive" it definitely is not.

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Guest analogue wings

Latency has never been an issue for me on Vista64. I dont use VSTs, but I've never had to slide a vocal take along 50ms to make it in time or anything.

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i installed this today and i gotta say, its quite the improvement. Looks snappy, runs faster than xp, less convoluted than vista, audio/video drivers were painless, got an FPS boost in my games and ableton, reason and renoise all work without a hitch.


The problems? Peergaurdian doesnt seem to work on 64x. A bit worrying, but i guess i can save my more shifty pirating for my other partition. It also seems to want to ask me every time i open an .exe despite unchecking the "ask me every fucking time i open this kind of file". So far a pretty small price to pay.

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Guest Adjective

i installed this

had some vid card trouble (switching from onboard to discrete) but then i eventually remembered i could just choose in the bios.


i installed Renoise, Ozone, and some plugs and it all runs fine. i guess i'll see how things go over the next few days


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