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Chris Moss Acid

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i wanna watch a good documentary, i tried to find a good world war 2 documentary but cant find shit, so im open to any suggestions.


provide a link and ill watch some documentarys as im in the mood.

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surfwise was on the tv last week if you missed it, about the infamous pascowitz family living in a motorhome under their strict father's unconventional regime of surfing and clean, meagre, nomadic living.


the kids eventually grow up and rebel, finding it hard to integrate into 'normal' society after basically being brought up like a pack of wolves. even though they grow to hate their father and the way he inflicted his views on them, almost every one of them becomes 'something' when they break free (musician, writer, film-maker, pro-surfer, model, lawyer, etc.) some become bitter and eventually casualties of the new temptations they encounter.


i found it thoroughly interesting.




dunno where but i'm sure you could download it somewhere.



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Guest Adjective
have you seen the nazi occult documentaries? there is a few good ones on google video

there were a few of those running when Valkyrie was about to come out

i think the founders of the History channel were nazi

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Power of Nightmares


The Trap


The Century of Self


Loose Change Final Cut


American Drug War: the last white hope


if you've seen all those or only some i'll recommend more

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Guest catsonearth
Power of Nightmares


The Trap


The Century of Self


Loose Change Final Cut


American Drug War: the last white hope


+ cocaine cowboys


+ waco: the rules of engagement


+ zeitgeist addendum


+ who the fuck is jackson pollack?

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