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Anyone play COD4?


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

COD5 and COD3 arent really call of duty as they are made by treyarch(a mediocre developer) ((dont buy either)) there are plenty of quality games out there that deserve your money more than the regurgitated bullshit treyarch is selling.


That being said COD4 is good shit, ive played it too much, couldn't get past my 2nd prestige. Looking forward to modern warfare 2.

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I play CoD4 from time to time. Love the challenges and shit, such a wicked idea.


Feel free to add me anyone, just send a message saying you're from WATMM if you do, I usually deny random friend adds.

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hey essines add me i play cod4 but i prefer WaW


i'm getting WaW and i'll be playing by the weekend.


and fuck you, WaW is a great game.

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