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today i was very very high at work

Guest Helper ET

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ET you need to read more.


philosophers have been writing about this shit for thousands of years.


definitely, ET always brings the same things up and people tell him to read more.



So then he makes another post about it...



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Guest theSun

i would suggest reading Matter and Consciousness by Paul Churchland. It's from 1982 (i think) so it's a little dated but it's a concise look at everything we know as reality.

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ET you need to read more.


philosophers have been writing about this shit for thousands of years.


definitely, ET always brings the same things up and people tell him to read more.



So then he makes another post about it...






ET I think your biggest problem is that you think way too much. Sometimes you need to learn how to quiet your mind and let your body fill with acceptance rather than reluctance/curiosity. If you have never tried meditating before I would highly recommend it because it really helps you quiet your mind and become truly accepting of reality.


It takes a superior thinker to delve this deep into the constructs of reality, it takes an even MORE superior thinker to realize that the only way to really understand reality is to accept it all.

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we are real, yet the situation we constantly find ourselves in seems completely unreal. we see realness in ourselves and others, so then we assume that the world we are living in must be real too, yet that is an unproved assumption

Why would it matter to you if that assumption were unproven? If it really mattered to you in any practical sense, you would be terrified to step foot outside of your (parents') bedroom, let alone post on the internet in the belief you are communicating with others. Which shows that you don't take anything you have said seriously and are just bullshitting for its own sake.

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Guest Franklin

an encey-pwn.


I don't think he's bullshitting though. I believe he's just having an existential crisis and tinkering with the idea of solipsism.



The more you think, ET, the further you get away from the truth

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we are real, yet the situation we constantly find ourselves in seems completely unreal. we see realness in ourselves and others, so then we assume that the world we are living in must be real too, yet that is an unproved assumption

Why would it matter to you if that assumption were unproven? If it really mattered to you in any practical sense, you would be terrified to step foot outside of your (parents') bedroom, let alone post on the internet in the belief you are communicating with others. Which shows that you don't take anything you have said seriously and are just bullshitting for its own sake.




although, i'm willing to bet it does bother him in a practical sense. i have not gotten out of bed some days for similar reasons


also, what thehauntingsoul said

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stop telling ET to read more philosophy.


yes there are lots of ideas and points of view out there, the majority of which he has probably not investigated in detail, but please, people: just because Plato and Kant were "philosophers" doesn't mean they knew any more about the workings of the universe than the average watmmer. dictionary.com says a philosopher is "a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields." hmm, sounds a lot like ET, doesn't it?


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Guest theSun

don't tell him to not read philosophy. it's thousands of years of human perception and ideas. if nothing else, reading how someone like kant, nietzsche or sartre will show that many people have been thinking about the same thing (human thought) in many many different ways.


you'll find through reading that you may have been asking the wrong questions, not that you've arrived at the wrong answers.


i've read quite a bit of philosophy, but i think a lot of it is rubbish. it's people grasping at the causes for all the effects around them, sometimes coming up with silly conclusions, sometimes profound. personally, i prescribe to a sort of functional materialism, but i'm not sold on it and could drift towards eliminative materialism as science progresses.

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stop telling ET to read more philosophy.


yes there are lots of ideas and points of view out there, the majority of which he has probably not investigated in detail, but please, people: just because Plato and Kant were "philosophers" doesn't mean they knew any more about the workings of the universe than the average watmmer. dictionary.com says a philosopher is "a person who offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics, metaphysics, logic, and other related fields." hmm, sounds a lot like ET, doesn't it?


The point of philosophy is not to actually discover the workings of the universe. The point is more to learn all the different perspectives/possibilities because since we can't ever really settle on any one being correct, why not try to explain it as many different ways as possible?


I can't think of anyone I know who reads philosophy and doesn't read into multiple trains of thought etc.


Read some philosophy ET! Or better yet attend a philosophy class if you are still in school

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I wasn't saying he shouldn't read other philosophers' work, I just meant that's not the answer to all his problems. there are lots of ideas floating around out there, and most of them are, as you say, rubbish.


my point was that his personal perceptions and conclusions are just as valid as those of recognized philosophers and he shouldn't give up on forming his own theories and discussing them with others. responding to his questions and theories with "READ MOAR PHILOSOFY D00D" is not helpful.


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Guest theSun

well his conclusions seem vague, ambiguous and incomplete. the guy is all over the place. some of his ideas make sense, but reading his posts (in this thread) are like looking through a very heavy fog.

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Guest AOOproductions

the problem is your "high" is the alternate reality. And you looking at the world high makes it seem fucked up, when really your just the fucked up one. Welcome to the world of drugs.

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the problem is your "high" is the alternate reality. And you looking at the world high makes it seem fucked up, when really your just the fucked up one. Welcome to the world of drugs.

^ this made a whole lot of sense

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the problem is your "high" is the alternate reality. And you looking at the world high makes it seem fucked up, when really your just the fucked up one. Welcome to the world of drugs.

^ this made a whole lot of sense



very true, and this is the major problem most drug users encounter.

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Guest taxman

my brother used to talk about this kind of thing a lot. he has schizoaffective disorder.


it's actually an interesting story. we found out he had it when the police called us about his abandoned car being found with a shitload of ammunition in the trunk and a letter from a friend of his from rehab, who had committed suicide a few years ago, on his front seat. he had ditched his phone because in his paranoid state he thought people were using it to track him, and he went to hide out in a rural area. he had aural hallucinations of people shouting for him in a threatening manner so he ran for two days trying to loose them, to a point where he was so exhausted that he gave up and accepted his impending execution. the police combed the surrounding woods for him with bloodhounds, helicopters, and atvs. they circulated it on the area's local news with a picture and some people saw him the next day (in a town far outside the search area) and called the police. when they picked him up he was carrying a shotgun in his backpack with the end sticking out the top. he also had three knives on him, along with a frozen gallon of water (this was last winter in connecticut) and some food. they brought him to a hospital but didn't restrain him. he became very paranoid again and escaped, stole a bat from someones garage, found a running car and asked a nearby woman if it was hers. she told him it was. he told her he was stealing it and broke out the window with the bat. the woman called for her husband who was also nearby and who came running, so my brother jumped a fence and ran but was quickly picked up by the police again. after that he was ok for some time because he was on medication and staying with my parents. they were going through some legal process for all the things he did and he was cool as long as he had a witness see him take his medication every day, stay in some kind of special program at yale for patients with his condition, and check in with a social worker every week... but then he left and went down to tennessee, which is where we grew up. now he's legally a felon and he's staying with an old friend of his. i guess he's also stayed with my best friend from early childhood and a few other people who he trusts. last i heard, he had called a friend of mine to tell him that the glass pipe he had borrowed was gone and that he had thrown it at a cop's head in order to have enough time to make a getaway.


anyway ET, your way of thinking reminds me of my brother a little bit. i don't know if the philosophy and the illness are related, but if it is you might have a really exciting time ahead of you.

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The main reason I agree that he should read more philosophy is because like thesun says, people have been dealing with these questions for thousands of years. His ideas are not new... he spouts the same things some guy on mushrooms said in 48 B.C. If he read up he would realize this and perhaps just come to accept reality. But good luck with that whole proving nothing is real thing...



last post

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I turned and looked behind me: all was vague and uncertain, as when

one cannot distinguish between fog and field, between cloud and

mountain-side. One fact only was plain--that I saw nothing I knew.

Imagining myself involved in a visual illusion, and that touch would

correct sight, I stretched my arms and felt about me, walking in this

direction and that, if haply, where I could see nothing, I might yet

come in contact with something; but my search was vain. Instinctively

then, as to the only living thing near me, I turned to the raven,

which stood a little way off, regarding me with an expression at once

respectful and quizzical. Then the absurdity of seeking counsel from

such a one struck me, and I turned again, overwhelmed with bewilderment,

not unmingled with fear. Had I wandered into a region where both the

material and psychical relations of our world had ceased to hold? Might

a man at any moment step beyond the realm of order, and become the sport

of the lawless? Yet I saw the raven, felt the ground under my feet, and

heard a sound as of wind in the lowly plants around me!


"How DID I get here?" I said--apparently aloud, for the question was

immediately answered.


"You came through the door," replied an odd, rather harsh voice.


I looked behind, then all about me, but saw no human shape. The terror

that madness might be at hand laid hold upon me: must I henceforth place

no confidence either in my senses or my consciousness? The same instant

I knew it was the raven that had spoken, for he stood looking up at me

with an air of waiting. The sun was not shining, yet the bird seemed to

cast a shadow, and the shadow seemed part of himself.


I beg my reader to aid me in the endeavour to make myself

intelligible--if here understanding be indeed possible between us. I was

in a world, or call it a state of things, an economy of conditions, an

idea of existence, so little correspondent with the ways and modes of

this world--which we are apt to think the only world, that the best

choice I can make of word or phrase is but an adumbration of what

I would convey. I begin indeed to fear that I have undertaken an

impossibility, undertaken to tell what I cannot tell because no speech

at my command will fit the forms in my mind. Already I have set down

statements I would gladly change did I know how to substitute a truer

utterance; but as often as I try to fit the reality with nearer words, I

find myself in danger of losing the things themselves, and feel like one

in process of awaking from a dream, with the thing that seemed familiar

gradually yet swiftly changing through a succession of forms until its

very nature is no longer recognisable.


I bethought me that a bird capable of addressing a man must have the

right of a man to a civil answer; perhaps, as a bird, even a greater



A tendency to croak caused a certain roughness in his speech, but his

voice was not disagreeable, and what he said, although conveying little

enlightenment, did not sound rude.


"I did not come through any door," I rejoined.


"I saw you come through it!--saw you with my own ancient eyes!" asserted

the raven, positively but not disrespectfully.


"I never saw any door!" I persisted.


"Of course not!" he returned; "all the doors you had yet seen--and you

haven't seen many--were doors in; here you came upon a door out! The

strange thing to you," he went on thoughtfully, "will be, that the more

doors you go out of, the farther you get in!"


"Oblige me by telling me where I am."


"That is impossible. You know nothing about whereness. The only way to

come to know where you are is to begin to make yourself at home."


- from 'Lilith' by George MacDonald

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