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Answering the door in bare feet


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I answered the door in my underwear a few days ago. Had an awkward moment with my neighbor...

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i live in canada. in canada we aren't stupid and we take our shows off when we enter a persons house. to walk into a persona living room with your grubby shoes on is crazy and weird and stupid. you don't do that. shoes off. that being said, being barefoot is not so strange in canada. especially in summer. i rarely wear socks.

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do you ppl really wear shoes at your homes? i thought this was only in sitcoms and movies. why the fuck?




For me I always wear socks unless my feet are really sweaty and shit in which case I go barefoot to air them out. The ONLY houses I have ever been to that actually have a 'shoes on' policy are the fucked drug den shithole apartments that some of my friends have where the floor is caked with so much mud you would need to dig down a few feet to actually hit the floor.


Think about it! Shoes keep dirt and crap and blood and piss and garbage and dead animals from touching your feet, why the fuck would you track that into a house? There is absolutely no way to ensure that and I seriously can't imagine any reason why a shoes on policy would make more sense.


Also, do some of you not even wear socks? Holy shit I get blisters like mad fuck if I don't wear socks under my shoes.

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I dont know about you guys but im not exactly stomping around in pissed-on carcases every time i take a walk outside. If its dry outside and your shoes arent cakes with mud, you're not dirtying up your floor anymore than it already is. Its a floor guys, you dont eat off it, you walk on it.

I suppose its different if your entire house is carpeted, but even then a brisk scrub on the doormat is enough to get rid of loose particles on a dry day.


But lets settle this like men watmm. everyone take a picture of your floor and we'll see whos been tracking shit all over watmm

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shoes inside, especially a carpeted home (caked mud or not) screams bad idea to me. i don't get it. and i used to not wear socks at all, unless at work (even in shoes) but it stinks your shoes up so bad with all the foot sweat. so now i wear socks with my shoes, mostly. but during the summer i rarely wear shoes. only time i wear socks is at work.

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I suppose its different if your entire house is carpeted, but even then a brisk scrub on the doormat is enough to get rid of loose particles on a dry day.

The sheer thought of shoes touching carpet is enough to make me punch my own dick.

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Guest abusivegeorge

I don't have feet, so the question is, is it rude to answer the door in bare stumps?

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I know what you mean. I make sure that everyone in my house always wears a hat so the ceilings dont get dirty

The thing is you can't ever get your shoes totally clean, there is always dirt/dust/other shit that will get all over your house if you track that shit in with shoes.


I don't have feet, so the question is, is it rude to answer the door in bare stumps?



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what about if someone has stinking feet? you're a man of sport, chenGOD, i bet yr feet stink


I have this wonderful technological device called a shower. This combined with some kind of magikal potion named "soap" prevents my feet from stinking.

If someone's feet smell so bad that I can smell them while they're merely in the same room, I would bathe them as any good christian would.

thinking back on this, it isn't sport feet that smell but more the footwear worn during sport.

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