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man gets tazered, mocks cops, gets away


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Guest Ominous

so he tried (unsuccessfully?) to change his legal name from all capital letters (JOHN DOE) to (john doe). Giving him real Bill of Right's rights instead of Corporate Maritime "pound you in the ass" rights. It's all very complicated and I'm still trying to learn about it.

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Guest thanksomuch

I would like to point out, when he asked what the charges were the cop replied "It doesan't matter." WTF?? it DOESN'T MATTER??


cop: Hello Sir, we are arresting you.

you: May i ask why i am being arrested?

cop: Doesn't matter.

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Guest blicero
I would like to point out, when he asked what the charges were the cop replied "It doesan't matter." WTF?? it DOESN'T MATTER??


cop: Hello Sir, we are arresting you.

you: May i ask why i am being arrested?

cop: Doesn't matter.


total wtf.


i think any judge would be forced to drop the charges or something. at the least, the officer would be suspended.

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Guest blicero
Know Your Rights: What to Do If You're Stopped by the Police


  • Think carefully about your words, movement, body language, and emotions.
  • Don't get into an argument with the police.
  • Remember, anything you say or do can be used against you.
  • Keep your hands where the police can see them.
  • Don't run. Don't touch any police officer.
  • Don't resist even if you believe you are innocent.
  • Don't complain on the scene or tell the police they're wrong or that you're going to file a complaint.
  • Do not make any statements regarding the incident. Ask for a lawyer immediately upon your arrest.
  • Remember officers' badge and patrol car numbers.
  • Write down everything you remember ASAP.
  • Try to find witnesses and their names and phone numbers.
  • If you are injured, take photographs of the injuries as soon as possible, but make sure you seek medical attention first.
  • If you feel your rights have been violated, file a written complaint with police department's internal affairs division or civilian complaint board.


1. What you say to the police is always important. What you say can be used against you, and it can give the police an excuse to arrest you, especially if you bad-mouth a police officer.


2. You must show your driver's license and registration when stopped in a car. Otherwise, you don't have to answer any questions if you are detained or arrested, with one important exception. The police may ask for your name if you have been properly detained, and you can be arrested in some states for refusing to give it. If you reasonably fear that your name is incriminating, you can claim the right to remain silent, which may be a defense in case you are arrested anyway.


3. You don't have to consent to any search of yourself, your car or your house. If you DO consent to a search, it can affect your rights later in court. If the police say they have a search warrant, ASK TO SEE IT.


4. Do not interfere with, or obstruct the police -- you can be arrested for it.




1. It's not a crime to refuse to answer questions, but refusing to answer can make the police suspicious about you. If you are asked to identify yourself, see paragraph 2 above.


2. Police may "pat-down" your clothing if they suspect a concealed weapon. Don't physically resist, but make it clear that you don't consent to any further search.


3. Ask if you are under arrest. If you are, you have a right to know why.


4. Don't bad-mouth the police officer or run away, even if you believe what is happening is unreasonable. That could lead to your arrest.




1. Upon request, show them your driver's license, registration, and proof of insurance. In certain cases, your car can be searched without a warrant as long as the police have probable cause. To protect yourself later, you should make it clear that you do not consent to a search. It is not lawful for police to arrest you simply for refusing to consent to a search.


2. If you're given a ticket, you should sign it; otherwise you can be arrested. You can always fight the case in court later.


3. If you're suspected of drunk driving (DWI) and refuse to take a blood, urine or breath test, your driver's license may be suspended.


1. You have the right to remain silent and to talk to a lawyer before you talk to the police. Tell the police nothing except your name and address. Don't give any explanations, excuses or stories. You can make your defense later, in court, based on what you and your lawyer decide is best.


2. Ask to see a lawyer immediately. If you can't pay for a lawyer, you have a right to a free one, and should ask the police how the lawyer can be contacted. Don't say anything without a lawyer.


3. Within a reasonable time after your arrest, or booking, you have the right to make a local phone call: to a lawyer, bail bondsman, a relative or any other person. The police may not listen to the call to the lawyer.


4. Sometimes you can be released without bail, or have bail lowered. Have your lawyer ask the judge about this possibility. You must be taken before the judge on the next court day after arrest.


5. Do not make any decisions in your case until you have talked with a lawyer.




1. If the police knock and ask to enter your home, you don't have to admit them unless they have a warrant signed by a judge.


2. However, in some emergency situations (like when a person is screaming for help inside, or when the police are chasing someone) officers are allowed to enter and search your home without a warrant.


3. If you are arrested, the police can search you and the area close by. If you are in a building, "close by" usually means just the room you are in.


We all recognize the need for effective law enforcement, but we should also understand our own rights and responsibilities -- especially in our relationships with the police. Everyone, including minors, has the right to courteous and respectful police treatment.


If your rights are violated, don't try to deal with the situation at the scene. You can discuss the matter with an attorney afterwards, or file a complaint with the Internal Affairs or Civilian Complaint Board.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

warrent out for his arrest. so they maybe don't even know what for.


fucking lol at the slippery guys escape though

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Saw on the news yesterday a man who was arrested for riding a bicycle on the sidewalk in new york without id...





Having been subject to the unchecked police power in this state (by being "detained", not arrested), and put in a holding cell for hours, I say this is bullshit. Odd that a man is arrested for not having ID, when the supreme court already ruled that it's unlawful for law enforcement to arrest someone for not having ID, unless their actions dictate that ID is required (driving a car, carrying a weapon, etc).

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Ha, LOL at the cop's attempt to give chase. "Oh he's running, yep, best trot after him... oh shit, he's on the road now. Well that's that. Best get back to the station Steve. Shit"

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Guest Wall Bird


My hero. Though I do think the singing was rather silly, that guy played it by the books.


Boy, I hate cops.


Do you guys think that people who choose to become police officers suffer from having less people willing to be their friends as a result of their career choice? It seems like it may be depressing to be a cop sometimes.


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I would like to point out, when he asked what the charges were the cop replied "It doesan't matter." WTF?? it DOESN'T MATTER??


cop: Hello Sir, we are arresting you.

you: May i ask why i am being arrested?

cop: Doesn't matter.



I would like to point out, when he asked what the charges were the cop replied "It doesan't matter." WTF?? it DOESN'T MATTER??


cop: Hello Sir, we are arresting you.

you: May i ask why i am being arrested?

cop: Doesn't matter.


total wtf.


i think any judge would be forced to drop the charges or something. at the least, the officer would be suspended.


you guys weren't listening closely. when he asked why he was being arrested, the response was "there's a warrant out for your arrest."


so the cops are right, the basis for the warrant doesn't matter at the time of the arrest. a judge has already determined that there is probable cause for the man's arrest. once that occurs, when the cops spot someone with an open warrant, they arrest him. doesn't matter what the warrant is for. that's between you and the judge. it's a cops job to execute outstanding arrest warrants.


therefore, this annoying loser is wrong and the cops were properly doing their jobs.

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Guest Deep Fried Everything

lol's right... assuming the cops were telling the truth about that... but i'm sure a cop would get in really deep shit for lying about there being a warrant outstanding.

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