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Planet Mu News June 09

Guest thomasplanetmu

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I personally wouldn't really refer to Floating Points as wonky, it is very good though. I've bought all his releases so far, For You,Love Me Like This & J&W Beat and no offence to Planet Mu but I think that J&W Beat is his weakest although by no means a bad release. I'd categorise his stuff more as a mix of house, garage, funk, soul although obviosly it takes production ideas from more modern styles as well. With out intending to sound cheesey it all has quite a cosmic feel to it as well. Yeah Lukid is fantastic, the All City 7x7 Beat compilation is great, Paul White's not quite doing it for me but Bullion is immense and I'm really digging Lone and Onra too. Samiyam sits in a different kind of pocket for me because it's so wonky and he's got his own particular thing going on but it's still great.

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