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On the subject of the Salvinorin Continuum


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I've reserved myself only for 60x on up. Everything below for me is just not worth it, really I'd like only to keep to 120x. At 120x is where I have been trying to see a recurring pattern in the complete and utter destruction of everything you would call "sense" and replacement with pure geometry and data. But then again, with the varying tolerance levels that people have, I'm not sure how that relates with your experience at 20x.


haha man i dont even know how to respond to this, unless you have pure salvinorin A in your possession i highly doubt what you smoke is even 40X or above


Well actually, I did. A chemist friend of mine bought up a pound of the normal leaf and extracted a large amount of salvinorin A, and invited me over for a try at what he said was "120x". It amounts to the final "level" of experience, like 40x would, except immediately. There is not even a quick "oh shiiiiiiit!!!" aspect to it. It is just like, inhale, hold, BOOM...world is gone, your whole system is scrambled, every physical sense and mental concept is related by geometric means, the whole process that is "self" has now assumed the form of a perpetually changing mathematical function that drifts along non-euclidean space, meeting massive technological beings that speak in the form of resonating wormholes. There is a sense, right before you break into this space, that you are actually leaving the earth, because you see yourself leave the surface of the planet and enter this dimension very quickly, if you are able to fight the ego dissolution (which I didn't do the first time, it was just confusing, I could barely recall what happened, that is why I stress trying to hang onto the your own ability to perceive).

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newbs, i smoke 500x. I also shoot lightning from my penis.


now that's more like it!


i have some pure salvia tar that i've dried down that i can send you (if you live in a place where it is legal).


i think i made you hate me already, but i'd love some... and i'll be your friend


no way man, i'm not as serious on this msg board as i may have come off, sure hit me up via private msg. I'd love for you to be my guinea pig


I've reserved myself only for 60x on up. Everything below for me is just not worth it, really I'd like only to keep to 120x. At 120x is where I have been trying to see a recurring pattern in the complete and utter destruction of everything you would call "sense" and replacement with pure geometry and data. But then again, with the varying tolerance levels that people have, I'm not sure how that relates with your experience at 20x.


haha man i dont even know how to respond to this, unless you have pure salvinorin A in your possession i highly doubt what you smoke is even 40X or above


Well actually, I did. A chemist friend of mine bought up a pound of the normal leaf and extracted a large amount of salvinorin A, and invited me over for a try at what he said was "120x". It amounts to the final "level" of experience, like 40x would, except immediately. There is not even a quick "oh shiiiiiiit!!!" aspect to it. It is just like, inhale, hold, BOOM...world is gone, your whole system is scrambled, every physical sense and mental concept is related by geometric means, the whole process that is "self" has now assumed the form of a perpetually changing mathematical function that drifts along non-euclidean space, meeting massive technological beings that speak in the form of resonating wormholes. There is a sense, right before you break into this space, that you are actually leaving the earth, because you see yourself leave the surface of the planet and enter this dimension very quickly, if you are able to fight the ego dissolution (which I didn't do the first time, it was just confusing, I could barely recall what happened, that is why I stress trying to hang onto the your own ability to perceive).


do you have any pictures of evidence of this pure salvinorin A , i'd love to see it , of course i am skeptical because the chemistry required to extract pure salvinorin A is a lot more difficult than most other drug extractions. I am generally very skeptical of people in general who throw around terms like 120x, if you actually smoked pure salvinorin A crystal why didn't you just say that instead of 120x?

Don't get me wrong Salvitorin, i think it's awesome there is someone else on here that appreciates salvia as much as i do, however to say that you now need '120x' to 'get off' makes me a tiny bit hesitant to believe what you are saying, most experienced salvia users agree that it has a reverse tolerance effect, not a cumilative tolerance effect like marijuana or alcohol.

Also i am not one to talk when it comes to telling tales of drug bravado, but if you have smoked pure salvinorin A for real and it was a white crystaline substance, you my friend are pretty hardcore.

I am what i would call a drug nerd, i researched the shit out of psychedelic drugs so excuse me if i seem combative in this discussion, all i really want to do is get to the facts

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newbs, i smoke 500x. I also shoot lightning from my penis.


now that's more like it!


i have some pure salvia tar that i've dried down that i can send you (if you live in a place where it is legal).


i think i made you hate me already, but i'd love some... and i'll be your friend


no way man, i'm not as serious on this msg board as i may have come off, sure hit me up via private msg. I'd love for you to be my guinea pig


I've reserved myself only for 60x on up. Everything below for me is just not worth it, really I'd like only to keep to 120x. At 120x is where I have been trying to see a recurring pattern in the complete and utter destruction of everything you would call "sense" and replacement with pure geometry and data. But then again, with the varying tolerance levels that people have, I'm not sure how that relates with your experience at 20x.


haha man i dont even know how to respond to this, unless you have pure salvinorin A in your possession i highly doubt what you smoke is even 40X or above


Well actually, I did. A chemist friend of mine bought up a pound of the normal leaf and extracted a large amount of salvinorin A, and invited me over for a try at what he said was "120x". It amounts to the final "level" of experience, like 40x would, except immediately. There is not even a quick "oh shiiiiiiit!!!" aspect to it. It is just like, inhale, hold, BOOM...world is gone, your whole system is scrambled, every physical sense and mental concept is related by geometric means, the whole process that is "self" has now assumed the form of a perpetually changing mathematical function that drifts along non-euclidean space, meeting massive technological beings that speak in the form of resonating wormholes. There is a sense, right before you break into this space, that you are actually leaving the earth, because you see yourself leave the surface of the planet and enter this dimension very quickly, if you are able to fight the ego dissolution (which I didn't do the first time, it was just confusing, I could barely recall what happened, that is why I stress trying to hang onto the your own ability to perceive).


do you have any pictures of evidence of this pure salvinorin A , i'd love to see it , of course i am skeptical because the chemistry required to extract pure salvinorin A is a lot more difficult than most other drug extractions. I am generally very skeptical of people in general who throw around terms like 120x, if you actually smoked pure salvinorin A crystal why didn't you just say that instead of 120x?


We smoked a crystal/powder in between leaves (because we didn't have a vaporizer), and he said because of the ratio of leaves to salvinorin, it could be considered double the dose of 60x, thusly 120x (which is definitely speculative, but I suppose it doesn't really matter). I guess I could try and ask for a picture of the extract next time I come around.

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  • 10 years later...
On 7/8/2009 at 7:06 PM, lumpenprol said:


indeed. I remember my first ego loss was my second trip on mushrooms, i hadn't read about ego loss at the time but I remember very distinctly feeling my "self" pop and disappear...afterwards I really understood the beatles line "I know what it's like to be dead." The paradoxical thing about ego loss on drugs is that most people I've met who use psychadelics regularly are the most egotistical people imaginable, in the sense that they are completely wrapped up in their own navel-gazing and are no longer capable of empathy towards others. It's probably a form of PTSD, the body's natural tendency to form a scab over a wound, in this case a psychic one. And after all no matter how much you feel ego loss during a trip, it's still only happening within your own head, unlike the ego loss you'd get from finding true love, or having a child, and opening yourself up to the possibility of being emotionally destroyed by another human being.

and then you became a racist, you fucking idiot. lol

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I did 10x a couple of times and it felt pretty strong already. 120x is just insane. But who knows, somehow I feel that higher doses are easier to handle when it comes to Salvia. You don't really cling to reality that much anymore. Don't like smoking just the leaves, too underwhelming and makes me feel like I have a cold, but combined with weed it's nice. Haven't had it for a while tho. Probably illegal by now

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