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getting stuck in traffic + no ac + fan that only blows hot air + feeling like skin is going to burn off + stop and go traffic in every direction for 2 hours = best day ever

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It is hot as fuck here in Florida as it usually is in the summer. The humidity is what makes it rather miserable. When you get out of your air conditioned car and your glasses immediately fog up, it's humid. It does cool off a bit in the afternoon/evenings though because we have been getting some pretty intense thunderstorms just about every day around 5pm.

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Guest Gary C

I've only just realised that perhaps this is the St. Swithin's Day myth in action.


St. Swithin's day if thou dost rain

For forty days it will remain

St. Swithin's day if thou be fair

For forty days 'twill rain nae mair.


I'm pretty sure it's rained everyday since the 15th.

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Guest theSun

fuck you seattle you're dispersing your rain across the rest of the states. buffalo has been scattered storms for like the past month. my county had its first tornado in a few years last weekend. hopefully there will be a summer in august, or i'll just stay inside and watch the storm clouds roll on in.


bad kayaking weather

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global warming.. blame japan, they burn a lot of coal.


- buy an aircon

- take off as many clothes as possible

- put a cold flannel on your head (that's small towel for you americans)

- have a cold bath

- put your feet or head in cold water if you don't want a bath

- don't wank


not in this order.


For those without central A/C, a good technique is to hang a damp towel (not dripping wet) in the window, and then point an electric fan inwards so the moisture evaporating from the towel gets pulled though the fan into your home - it will cool it off quickly, and at worst you have to re-wet the towel every few hours or so.


Cold baths/showers are NOT good during hot weather, as it only forces your core temperature to rise to keep your extremities at the right temperature, thus making you HOTTER.


Wanking will make you sweaty, unless you use peppermint shampoo as lube

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Guest Retrig

Wanking will make you sweaty, unless you use peppermint shampoo as lube


Dr. Bronner's right? I know exactly what you mean.

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