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Bathroom hand washing etiquette


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Straight up, I never wash my hands when I pee. There. I said it. Sue me.


There was an article posted on here a while ago about filthy things you touch every day that are worse than a toilet seat.


I seem to remember a quote on there about how your penis is one of the cleanest parts of your body. If you shower in the morning, it never gets exposed to filth, but your hands do consistently. Keyboards, Phones, Money, etc, and chances are you have made your squeaky clean dick more filthy by touching it with your filthy hands.


So yeah, I don't wash my hands when I pee. Also I have really really dry skin so if I wash them I get dry, irritating, crackling skin so I tend to reserve hand washes for when I'm about to eat, or if I've poo pooed.


Its funny though when you use a public restroom and you need to try to comply with what everyone else is doing. If someone washes the shit out of their hands after peeing and you walk past them without washing they might think you are filthy so you wash as well.


So yeah what do you guys think about this situation? What are the scenarios in which those of you here will wash your hands? Water AND soap when you visit the urinal?

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Guest placidburp

I always wash my hands after I have peed on them.


I work in a pub and sometimes I see people leave the bogs after having a nasty shit an they don't wash their hands and it maeks me sick! So I tell the other bar staff that they haven't washed their hands and we all go "eeewwww" and then lol at them. But ye it's not nice to see someone just fuck off out through the loo door and they have piss and shit germs on their hands and they transfer them to the door handle, or when they are handing over cash to me. Cunts!

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Guest placidburp

I was going to put that as a joke then thought the better of it and typed out the other bollcks i typed then forgtot to delete it. so no. is the answer. in fact, never.

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Guest my usernames always really suck

I won't approach a public sink if some douchebag messed water all over because I usually have to stand up right to the sink and the water will seep into my pants and it'll look like I peed my pants.

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I wash my hands after I pee not cause my dick is dirty but cause everything getting me in and out of the bathroom is filthy.


I hate when people just run their hands under the water with no soap. What retards

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depends on the cleanliness of the place. speaking of, i went into a public bathroom yesterday, one of the stall someone shat ON the seat., all over it. what type of person???

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depends on the cleanliness of the place. speaking of, i went into a public bathroom yesterday, one of the stall someone shat ON the seat., all over it. what type of person???



I see this more often than I would like to

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depends on the cleanliness of the place. speaking of, i went into a public bathroom yesterday, one of the stall someone shat ON the seat., all over it. what type of person???



I see this more often than I would like to


you know those times it could be from an old person that just didn't get there on time, still not cool though

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depends on the cleanliness of the place. speaking of, i went into a public bathroom yesterday, one of the stall someone shat ON the seat., all over it. what type of person???



I see this more often than I would like to


you know those times it could be from an old person that just didn't get there on time, still not cool though


You've also got to assume that these people, being too retarded to wipe the seat down after making a mess, are probably walking around with a ring of shit caked to their ass.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I dont wash my hands after pissing except if there has been some complication like a side spray incident or a urinal that causes splashback. but I do like to wash my hands regularly so sometimes I do wash my hands after pissing but its not because of the piss, its just generally nice to have clean hands


depends on the cleanliness of the place. speaking of, i went into a public bathroom yesterday, one of the stall someone shat ON the seat., all over it. what type of person???

saw a rubbish bag out on the street today with a shit on it... who shits on a bin bag? dogs dont do that. it looked like a human shit anyway.

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