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my theory on women

vamos scorcho

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Guest abusivegeorge

i fucked you're mom and she told me your gay


your mom is full of you're shit


His mum is having my babies.

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people keep hinting at me that they want to kill me


this girl that i suspect has fantasies about murdering me just sent me a text


"i want to kill your voicemail"


vamos, i like you but you're having paranoid schizophrenic ideations. Get off the weed or adjust your meds or see a shrink.

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All guys want to have sex over everything else. I think girls do to, deep down. It is everyone's primal urge to fuck. Guys just show it more. When someone asks someone out they are basically asking: "Hey, wanna get to know each other then fuck?" Just think about it...

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<h2 class="title">my theory on men...part 1</h2>this will be an on going subject. Men and Power!! I believe thatwomen in today's society have surpassed men in a way that has neverbeen imagined by men. Men today seem to be getting more Conservative,more self consciousand less in control(angrier). There have been many article wrote latelyabout how the number of young women who attend college has passed thenumber of young men. Women are not only becoming more successful intheir educational and professional lives but also sexually. Young womenseem to be way more open, liberal, and free. (not a good or bad thing)but I think all of this makes men feel as though they are loosing somesort of power. Women today seem to be saying it is my way or the highway. In general ,from what I see, young women have stared to treat menlike men used to treat women. This seems make them angrier and theyseem to take it out on who? None other than us? I have so many friendswho do not put up with the sappy relationship bullshit. Their quote tolive by is "I do not need a man!!" Are they right? with all of thetechnological advances today do we really need men? (from arelationship stand point.) Is it true that women can be like men andput themselves first? Substituting vibrators, sperm banks, careers, andbest girlfriends for men and religion. Is the way of the future? Andwhat about the few who have not lost their traditional values? Shouldthey join forces or stay behind?



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people keep hinting at me that they want to kill me


this girl that i suspect has fantasies about murdering me just sent me a text


"i want to kill your voicemail"


vamos, i like you but you're having paranoid schizophrenic ideations. Get off the weed or adjust your meds or see a shrink.


i'm just being ridiculous. i don't really think that she's hinting that she wants to kill me. but i do sometimes think that she secretly dislikes me. i see a shrink and i'm not paranoid (at least to the point where it would be considered mental disease)


my real theory on women is this:

they're much smarter than most men think they are. they are equally all things but different in many ways. most of them are greatly attracted to stability. i do think that their appreciation for music is strangely different, and i wouldn't call it lesser, though i may personally feel that it's lesser because i like music like autechre. ok question for married men:


i look forward to finding a girl that is beautiful. beautiful in that she is truly kind and compassionate, smart, spiritually advanced, attractive, and sexually adventurous. did you married men really find this girl? i actually am excited for the moment in my life where i get married, but i feel like maybe that day won't ever come. is it true that i should lower my standards very, very far? or should i believe that "true love" is real, or at least that there is somebody out there? i think i know the answer

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Guest maantecaaa!!!


i look forward to finding a girl that is beautiful. beautiful in that she is truly kind and compassionate, smart, spiritually advanced, attractive, and sexually adventurous. did you married men really find this girl? i actually am excited for the moment in my life where i get married, but i feel like maybe that day won't ever come. is it true that i should lower my standards very, very far? or should i believe that "true love" is real, or at least that there is somebody out there? i think i know the answer


You're halfway there. I think most married guys you see settled in one way or another. Unless you're willing to play the numbers game or WORK VERY VERY HARD to meet/deserve that person, you're gonna have to join the rest of the male race in settling for (hopefully) a little less. It sounds like maybe you're just a bit angsty. With time, a good amount of that will go away, when you realize you're just like everyone else. Do you really want to be that super cool old guy who hasn't hooked up in 30 years?


Don't be afraid to go for what you want out of life, but realize you're going to have to work proportionally hard to how difficult your goal is.

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Guest mrcopyandpaste



all guys are assholes.


i don't think


but most guys


at least i do


i don't think








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Guest Super lurker ultra V12

<h2 class="title">my theory on men...part 1</h2>this will be an on going subject. Men and Power!! I believe thatwomen in today's society have surpassed men in a way that has neverbeen imagined by men. Men today seem to be getting more Conservative,more self consciousand less in control(angrier). There have been many article wrote latelyabout how the number of young women who attend college has passed thenumber of young men. Women are not only becoming more successful intheir educational and professional lives but also sexually. Young womenseem to be way more open, liberal, and free. (not a good or bad thing)but I think all of this makes men feel as though they are loosing somesort of power. Women today seem to be saying it is my way or the highway. In general ,from what I see, young women have stared to treat menlike men used to treat women. This seems make them angrier and theyseem to take it out on who? None other than us? I have so many friendswho do not put up with the sappy relationship bullshit. Their quote tolive by is "I do not need a man!!" Are they right? with all of thetechnological advances today do we really need men? (from arelationship stand point.) Is it true that women can be like men andput themselves first? Substituting vibrators, sperm banks, careers, andbest girlfriends for men and religion. Is the way of the future? Andwhat about the few who have not lost their traditional values? Shouldthey join forces or stay behind?



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Guest Wall Bird

I think all men are assholes because I am, and I'm the norm. I have no heart, but no guy does.... amirite!?


I imagine this as well.

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seriously, its not confidence, though women may misinterpret it as such.


its not giving a fuck about what happens.


you find a nice lady, good times.


you dont, who gives a shit...theres beer and good times to be had elsewhere.


easy as that.

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also, someone hit it on the head about women: they are extremely smart, and you need to realize as quick as possible, that in this day and age, there is no such thing as an innocent or naive woman...if they pull that card, it means they are manipulative. easy spot.

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ill make yet another post in here and just say this:


after a lot of experience with a lot of different women, ethnically, culturally, creatively, sexually, etc etc we are all cut from the same cloth.


no such thing as an innocent woman anymore...they know what they want, and they know how to get it...and you have to accept that they will get what they want sooner or later, it just means that you will most likely be out of the picture if you aren't willing to provide that, and that could be sex, financial benefits, social independence, a whole number of factors.


you just gotta chill and be like, "well, do her interests conflict with mine?"


if yes, then let her get what she needs, it works out and saves a lot of trouble for both parties involved.

if no, give it to your woman day an night and be celebratin the shit outta some tasty pussy.

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